1st day of school

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(A/n this will take place after Covid 2021, so they are 15/14)

(Finn's pov)

It was my 1st day of school since Covid. I'm excited but yet nervous, because when Covid started I was in middle school seventh grade year, now I'm in high school and accidentally missed orientation so I don't know where any of my classes are.. yea nice going.

I had everything ready for the morning but I was running a little late, and I couldn't get my locker open.

"Shit, just great." I whispered yelled to myself, so I went to the counseling office to get someone to help me open my locker. I think God someone did, but I forgot to ask if they could show me where the art room was..

And all I knew it was outside, from what a kid yelled earlier, so I went out the library doors on the other side of the school, and headed to the red school house, looking for room 406.

Turns out 407 was connected to the room, Lucky for me the teacher came out and asked me what class I was looking for."I'm looking for my 1st hour 406" I said slightly embarrassed, "your right here." Said the art teacher mr. L said.

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