Chapter 5

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New Ephesus, Vampire Realm

As my sister led us down one of the long hallways in the palace, four of those fiery guards joined us, and started to follow us. 

I leaned towards Yujin, "Why are the guards on fire?"

Yujin smiled, "Their guards on the praetorian guard, sworn to the emperor, but they only follow orders of Elite Generals."

"But the emperor said that there are none of us left, so whose orders do they follow?"

"Before, the orders of the court," Yujin looked at me, "But now, you're the ranking male Elite in the kingdom, so you're their commanding officer."

I laughed nervously, "You're joking, right? Theres no way I can lead an army."

Yujin took a breath before responding, "You're the offspring of two very powerful Elites, leading armies is in our family, your mind is hardwired to fight."

I was trying to take this all in, "So, I can command them?"

She nodded, "I know, it's a lot to take in at first, but you will get used to it."

I sighed, "I hope so."

Yujin led us to a section of the palace, she pushed open a door and said "Well, the is the Elites section, your apartment is to the left, and dinner is at seven."

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