More headcannons.

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Headcannon 1- I just want to give the children full names and some of them aren't cannon. Tim's full name is Timas Daniel Weaver and Tom's to Tomothy William Weaver and Benny's is Benjamin Jay weaver and Caleb's is Caleb Leslie weaver and finally Lillian's is Lillian Tabitha Weaver.
Headcannon 2- Mary at one point did care about the twins but due to an unknown reason she stopped caring about them.
Headcannon 3-when Caleb died he was in denial that he was dead and that caused him to start rotting and when he finally accepted that he was dead he was a skeleton.
Headcannon 4-since I forgot the other's full names. John's full name is Jonathan Weaver and Mary's is Mary Claire Weaver
But her maiden name is Mary Claire Jones. James full name is James Noah McAlroy. Old man edwards full name is [REDACTED] Oliver Edwards. And robert's is Robert Edwards.
Headcannon 5- John and Mary are memories as their souls already went to the afterlife but both went to a different afterlife.
Sad headcannon- Tim Tom Lillian Benny and Caleb are secretly sad and scared and confused despite them apparently angry and vengeful.
Headcannon 6- Tim Tom and Caleb are still hostile towards Sam even after he died.
Headcannon 7- [REDACTED] Oliver Edwards aka Old man edwards like his uncle knew the weavers as he was one of the children's friend when he was a kid.
Headcannon 8- The weaver children may or may not know WickButt.

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