the first time.

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I was just in a shop, yeah It was really cold. I did nothing else other than that getting teleported to this game show called ONE. I don't know what does that stands for, but I heard that game show gives you cool prizes.

I got teleported near this prett- uh boy called subway seat heh. He was really nice, we actually ended up being best friends, after a few months I started to like him, but I still wanna keep it as a secret, I don't know why tho.

"Hey, whippy!", "Whippy? You there? " Subway seat asking. "Oh- uh hello subway! How are you?" I replied. "Oh I actually don't know, just woke up from sleeping heh." Subway seat replying to me. "Oh, I was just wondering when we could get out from this game show? thing."
"Heh, yeah I've been thinking that for a while too.". "Wanna talk some things maybe?" I asked. "yeah sure!"

We talked for a while until we heard.. Backpack's voice?
we heard airy? Falling again.

We heard much fights from them, really hurts my ears tho. After the fights gone, we had a break.
So we continued talking again. "Ah. I'm getting tired." Subway said. "Subway, did you just moan instead of yawning.." I said. "What- no! what the hell!" Subway seat said it while his face is red as hell. I giggled. "You can go rest if you want, I don't mind at all." I said. "PLEASE REST WITH ME" my face were red as hell, but I still accept it. We slept together.

When we slept together, scenty and moldy giggling cause they saw us sleeping together. I don't mind them tho.

What scenty and moldy actually said:

"Heh, look at those gays" moldy said. "gayasses🤣" scenty said also.

anyways back to my story.

Airy continued doing challenges. But we refused to do it and tried to take off thing plug thing. We made it but airy putted it back. "god, we almost did it, goddamn airy!" Subway seat said. "Yeah I have to agree." Soda bottle said. "I just wanna fucking leave and just meet my families, I just wanna stay in earth, I DON'T want to stay here any longer, I-.. I just hope I can leave this so called world. I just wanna stay with my family's and friends, I hate this." Scenty said and starting to sob.
All of us felt bad for scenty. Even tho I don't have families or names. I really wanted a name tho. Anyways moving on.

"Oh well, I-" subway seat disappeared. "Uh subway.. Seat?" "Where did you go.." Until I realized he got eliminated, it was the time I tried to confess to him. I got even more mad at airy. and I heard backpacks voice saying "don't worry guys, I'll try to save you I promise." "Please don't worry."

Until i met him. (whippyseat, HFJONE)Where stories live. Discover now