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"Detka are you ready?" Sage mumbled as he helped me to put on my shoes.

"Yeah I'm ready." I replied. He stood up and he straightened his suit, placing a kiss on the tip of my nose causing me to giggle.

We're meeting Sage's father today. I'm nervous as hell.

"Don't worry Detka he's going to love you. I've already told him a lot a about you and he can't wait to meet you." He smiled widely.

"I told you that you'll look beautiful if you wear the dress baby." He said rubbing his hand over my huge stomach.

" He said rubbing his hand over my huge stomach

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Okay he was right.

"Okay little man just wait for a few minutes and we'll get you and mama some food." He mumbled softly placing a kiss on my bump.

"You haven't eaten anything since this morning da? I'm sure our baby boy is hungry." He smiled.

"My father and Zen will arrive in about twenty minutes Detka, so we'll wait for them." He muttered intertwining his fingers in mine.

"I can't wait." I smiled.


"Ah so this is the beautiful Amaya my son has been bragging about." Sage's father said with a smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet Ms. Amaya. I'm Dimitri." He mumbled with a smile shaking my hand.

"It's nice to meet too Dimitri." I said."My son wasn't lying when he said you are beautiful." He chuckled.

"Я наконец-то поверил, что у твоего брата есть вкус на женщин, потому что Амайя прекрасна." Dimitri said.
(I finally believe your brother has taste in women because Amaya is beautiful.)

"Хватит, отец, давай просто сядем и поужинаем." Sage said. (Enough father let's just sit down and have dinner.)

"Вы ревнуете Иванова?" Zen chuckled.(Are you jealous Ivanov?)

"No I'm not." Sage said.

I should definitely learn Russian because I'm not hearing shit.

"No. I'm not let's just eat guys. Amaya is probably hungry." Sage said leading them to dining room where there was a lot" of food on the table.

Sage helped me to sit down and he slightly pushed my seat to the front. He dished up some me and he placed a kiss on my cheek.

We started to eat and it was quiet.

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