Betrayal ~ part 3 [final]

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* 2 weeks later *

"Welcome home~!" Minho screamed out loud when Chan opened the door

"Quit this shit bro.." Chan shook his head as minho has been looking at him

"Oh come on sis.. I'm happy you're feeling better and you know that I'll be way more calm if I can keep an eye on your safety." Minho kneeled down in front of you wheelchair

"It's for your own good my beloved daughter." you father walked down the stairs

"Beloved daughter you say? Do you even know what have happened to me?" you've looked at him with a visible grudge in your eyes

"Come on Y/N I'm gonna get you to your room. You need to rest after the flight. You're still not in the best condition." Chan said to you

"Not even seeing me like this move a single thing in you. I could be dead just as mother. By the hand of the same people." you've stared at your father

"Chan saved you just in the right time. And I am going to deal with Takeda Clan for that." you father said

"You're still willing acuse innocent people?" you've scoffed

"Y/N you're not defending Takeda Clan.. are you? You father didn't do this to you." Chan looked down at you

"Are you going to tell them father? Or should I?" you tilted your head looking at your father

Your father poured himself a glass of whisky. "Go head, I'm curious what you've got to say."

The tone in his voice drove you mad from deep inside. You blood was boiling at that moment.

"Year 2005. The year when you've killed your best friend who you've found out to be the head of Takeda Clan infiltrated in our family." your voice broke when you've continued "Year ago, you've killed someone, who you fount out took over the Clan and blamed the Clan for it in the end."

"Impressive." your father laughed and clapped

"Sister what is this about?" Minho asked you

'Y/N stop constantly blaming your father." Chan told you

"No Chan!" you raised your voice and looked at Chan "He killed my mother and the only reason he is being fine with me being in this wheelchair now is because he knows that I was also part of the clan back then when mother took over it!"

"That's nonsense Y/N." Chan said "How could he kill his own wife?"

"Just as easily as being able to look after son of  Takeda Clan's leader that infiltrated this family and make him being the head of his bodyguards Chan." you've said to Chan

"What? Are you saying now that boss killed my father? That he was leader of the our enemy?" Chan scoffed and you've nodded "You mean that you've been in charge of Takeda? You've faked kidnapping yourself and "your"  people shot you and you've nearly died?" questions were coming one after another whch made you feel worse with each one

"It's was all part of the plan. It's time for you to take over what belongs to you. And take care of your people." you've said to Chan

"And really killed my father?" Chan looked anf asked your father before scoffing in disbelief 

"Yes Chan I did. And yes it was much easier for me to keep you as a successor close to me and without knowledge about who you really are." your father came up clean "My dear Y/N great job. But sadly in this situation, you're being a traitor in my territory." your father said to you

Minho looked at your father as already knew about it all since you've already explained everything to Minho before you arrived by phone "You've always called Chan's dad your only best friend ... you didn't mourn for any of them when they died." Minho extended his arm and aimed the gun on your father "Father you're the traitor in MY territory."

"Minho you're not going to kill your own father in his own hose full of his own people... so stop making this drama even worse." your father scoffed

"So far as I know you've killed yourself 17 years ago when you've decided to murder Chan's dad., none of your people are happy with your way where you're leading this family. They are scared about their own families for your stupid shit decisions. After all who in the hell is able to stab their best friend, cut their throat and then shoot them when they get the feeling that they are still dying for too long while they are almost drowning in their on blood?" Minho asked his father

"You've done a lot of bad things as well for this family son. You've killed a lot of people. Don't dare to make me look like the bad one here." your father spoke to Minho

"But I would never ever my own child do what you've made me to do." Minho said still aiming on his father

"You've always done everything in your own will." father spoke

"You've made me help you to get rid of Chan's father body. You've made me clean up his blood from the bathtub he died in...already back then Chan's dad was like my uncle. Chan is like my brother. And you dared to tell me that enemy he had meeting with killed him and sent his body back as threat? How was that done in my own will father?" Minho yelled out at him "I suffered, been traumatized, trained hard to be strong so I won't ever end up like him."

Chan's eyes moved in between you, your brother and your father. The anger was building up inside of him but he tried to hold himself back. He spent years looking for person who supposedly killed his father and now he's finding out that it was a person who raised him up when his own father died? Someone he protected with his own life. Someone he took many bullets for? Father of his best friend he consider as his brother? Father of the person he loves the most in his life?

"I've always thought, that I have to pay off for you taking care of me. For being able to grow up in this house, being able to have job, money...and all I face now is the truth of the betrayal. I found out after all those years who really killed my father, I found out that I am supposed to be a leader of Clan that I've killed half of the people for saving the love of my life who set up her own kidnapping, best friend who was forced to clean up body of my murdered father, mother of my loved ones being killed." Chan spoke after being quiet for a while

"Shit happens son. Betrayal and the price for it is common in this business and you know it well." your father said to him

"You're right. Price for betrayal is common." Chan said, walked up to Minho, took his gun and shot your father in his shoulder. He fell down on the floor and Chan walked up towards him.

"That was price for traumatizing my best friend." he said and shot him in other shoulder

"This one was for killing their mother." he said before he shot him in his abdomen

"This is just so you can experience the pain that your daughter does feels now." Chan aimed on your father's head

"And this one is for my father." he said

"Chan..." your father managed to say his name "Don't..."

Chan looked at him and shrugged "You've said it youself .... shit happens." he said pulled the trigger sending the bullet straight in your father's head drilling in his skull. 

Betrayal ~ Epilogue ~ Bang Chan imagineWhere stories live. Discover now