The tryouts ⚾️

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Also warnings!!
Griffin being super gay 😍

Griffin's pov

My best friend finney invited me to his baseball tryouts. I normally would say no to trying out for sports but he had bribed me and well... I'm here now, standing with the other boys who were trying out. They all looked at me weirdly whispering to each other until someone spoke up and said "hey what's a f@g like you trying out for baseball?"

"Yeah f@ggot!" Another one said

My heart started to race and I was sweaty, I felt like I was going to faint when finney surprisingly punched one of them in the jaw. Normally finney wouldn't act like this so I was taken back when he started to beat him to a pulp.

I pulled Finn off of him and smacked the back of his head. "You dumbass!" I yelled, "now their gonna tell someone and your going to get in trouble dipshit!" I yelled again.

The boy had scrambled to his feet and ran off.

"He deserved it for being an ass to you!" He yells back. "I know you were just sticking up for me but dude! You can't just beat someone up like that!" I yelled. He sighed in defeat and took a seat on a bench.

I herd heavy footsteps and someone blowing a high pitched noise out of a whistle. "Okay kiddos!" The man yelled.
"It's time for baseball tryouts! Hopefully some of you will make it on the team this year!" He said more calmly.

I was staring at who I assumed was the coach until I saw a figure behind him. The figure slowly came into view and my heart stopped.

It was billy showalter!

We made eye contact and he smiled at me!

He smiled at me!

Billy showalter one of the most popular persons in our school and my crush just smiled at me! A total nobody!

I ran over to finney and sat down next to him.

"You didn't tell me billy showalter was going to be hereee!!" I whisper yelled

"Well I thought you already knew!" He whisper yelled back

"Well obviously I fucking didn't!" I whisper yelled yet again

_____time skip to after the tryouts_______
Still griffin's pov

Sweat trickled down my neck as I sat next to finney. Tryouts were over and I was glad,
"You did a good job out there griff!" Finney told me "thanks finn" I panted back

I forgot my water bottle and it felt like I was going to pass out until I saw someone holding a bottle in front of my face,

I looked up to see billy showalter. "You look like you need this" he joked and handed it to me, "ah- um- th-thanks!" I stuttered back great. Now he'll think I'm a freak!

But instead he chuckled
God that was so fucking hot especially because of his deep voice.

He looked at me directly in the eyes and smiled again before talking "hey um.. your like- really cute and I was wondering if I could have your um.. number?" He asked



I panicked internally before speaking up "oh um- yeah! Of course!" I said damnit now I sound too exited..

"Great!" He said and chuckled again FUCCCKKK THAT WAS SO HOTTT

He took out his phone and handed it to me to put my number in,

I gladly took the phone and added my number in then smiled as I handed it back to him.

He smiled back and did something REALLY fucking unexpected...

He kissed my cheek

Before I could even respond he was gone.

I looked over at finney who saw the whole thing go down. He had a huge smile on his face, he's known about my crush on billy for 2 years...

"AAAAHHH OHMYGODDD!!!" He screamed


_______another time skip <3____________

Still griffin's pov

Finn had come over to my house and we were chatting "Yk we should really have more people at our sleepovers- ngl they kinda dry-" he said
"Oh shut the fuck up" I replied

We continued to chat a bit until I felt my phone buzz.

________unknown number__________

Unknown number
Hey it's billy :)
                                                                 Oh hi! :)
Future husband <3333
How are you?
                  I'm doing good! What about you?

Future husband <3333
Im doing good as well!
                   That's good! And I know this is      completely random but do you wanna come over for a sleepover? Finney won't stop annoying me to ask you

Future husband <3333
Like rn?

Yeah! Sorry if it's so random you can say no!

Future husband <3333
Oh that's not it at all!
I'd actually love to!
Just give me your address
And I'll be there! 

                                     Oh okay! It's *********

Future husband <3333
Holy shit! You live across
The street from me!                  

Oh really? Cool! I'll see you in a few then?

Future husband <3333
Yup! See you soon griff!


Griffin's pov

"So is your future husband coming or what?" Finn teased

"Shut up... and yeah.." I said

"Ooooo~~" he cooed in my ear


It's kinda weird that he didn't mention the kiss from earlier...
Did he do it as a prank?
Does he really think I'm cute?
All these thoughts raced through my head until I herd the doorbell ring. Signaling that someone's here.

hope you enjoyed the first chapter!
If you have any suggestions for future chapters or something just comment or wtv it fucking is-

Anyways- love you all have a good day/afternoon/night!

Word count: 916

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