O. All Too Well - EJ

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EJ Caswell's life was pretty darn good. He had the nicest mom in the world, and a dad he looked up to. He was popular at school and everyone knew he was going to make it onto the East High water polo team next year. EJ knew exactly who he was and where his life was heading.

When he told Ethan and Daniel to stop bothering some poor guy at lunch one day, he had no idea that it could make his carefully crafted life come tumbling down.

The boy seemed nice, so he offered to hang out with him sometimes. Sometimes then became lots of times and lots of times became almost every day and soon enough, EJ had trouble thinking of anyone besides Ricky Bowen.

EJ knew that Ricky's home life was a little messy, but that didn't matter. They spent countless hours in June dancing around EJ's room to Katy Perry and Taylor Swift albums or playing in the pool under the hot summer sun. EJ never asked to go to Ricky's house and Ricky never offered. They were both perfectly happy with things the way they were.

And then EJ started to pick up on Ricky's longing eyes when he saw EJ's mom told him she loved him, or when his parents smiled at each other.

If Ricky couldn't have that at home, then EJ swore he would give it to him himself. So he told Ricky he loved him, and he meant it. This boy was his entire world and he wanted him to know. So he kissed him, and he meant it.

EJ knew that people who kissed were more than best friends. He had seen people in movies talk about the feelings they felt and then kissed the person they felt that way towards, and EJ was certain that kissing Ricky was the logical thing to do considering his feelings towards the boy. He never stopped to think about the fact that, of all the people he had seen kissing, it had never been two boys.

Kissing Ricky was a completely reasonable and normal way to act.

They didn't talk about it, but that wasn't the last time they kissed. It happened a few more times in the next few weeks, always a short peck on the lips or cheek, and always when they were alone. It felt too personal to share with anyone else.

EJ Caswell's life was pretty darn good.

Until it wasn't.

It wasn't one single event that drove them apart, but a series of smaller issues that slowly built up over time until everything came crashing down.

But if EJ could pick one day to officially mark the beginning of their downfall, it would be an ordinary day in July. Ricky had spent most of the day at EJ's house and had just left to eat dinner with his own parents. It was surprising how different the Caswell house felt with just the three of them after having become so accustomed to Ricky's presence.

This particular dinner felt too quiet, like the dinners before Ricky was there to lighten the mood. EJ's mom had gone to check something in the kitchen, leaving EJ with his dad. Maybe this was a good opportunity to talk to the man he hardly saw due to his work.

"So, Dad," EJ prompted, "how was work today?"

"Oh, just the usual. I did have to deal with one of the new hires, though—one of those girls who can't go five minutes without mentioning her Harvard degree."

EJ scoffed, "Like you're any better?"

"Come on, Eej. You're supposed to be on my side."

"Tough luck."

It was quiet for a moment before EJ's dad spoke up again. "So, uh, what's the deal with that boy you've been hanging out with? Ricky, right?"

"Yeah. I met him at school."

"And he comes over almost every day from what I've seen. Have you ever been to his house?"

"No. His parents fight, so he prefers being here."

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