A brief Introduction

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I remember when I was a little kid, I used to be really noisy and happy, but suddenly it all became silent. It was not that the world around me had rotated, in fact It had always been the same, It was me the one who changed. Colours were not as vivacious as they used to be, memories were not as happy as I remembered, and I guess everyone I adored, seemed to have many secrets I did not know about.

I could say, in a blink of an eye, everything passed from having yellow moments every time and a few blues, to a few yellow times and lots of blue ones. It was not anyone's fault, that is what growing is about, isn't it? So I can not blame adults to be humans, I can't blame the world to be worse that I thought, and I can not blame myself for changing. It is what it is, and we can do nothing but try to stay sane, right?

I am Karma Ney, obviously not my real name, and I wanted to talk about what this book means. First of all, thanks for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts and feelings with you.

Ever since I was a little kid, writing has come natural to me and it has helped me a lot to organize what I am feeling and understanding why I have these emotions.

I have never dared to share it because fear has held me back for so long, but I feel like now it is the time to reveal everything. Last year I was diagnosed with a chronic disease, and it has been a really emotional rollercoaster, that's why I am writing these poems. So I can take the pain away and hopefully help somebody that is going through the same thing.

Life is not always easy, neither fair, nobody chooses to be sick. Nobody chooses to be born with a bad condition. Nobody chooses to be born with no money... And this list could just go on, for so many paragraphs, but you get the point.

What is our duty is to learn to live, and I don't mean settling with what we were born with but to raise from the deep and built ourselves up. It takes many years and failures, but I swear if we dedicate the time, and we expose ourselves to the world, we can achieve unimaginable things.

Be the one your younger self needed.

Thank you so much for reading, and remember: Raise your hand if you've felt the same.

- Love, Karma Ney

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