Chapter 11

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It was the end of the day and students began pouring out of their classes. It was raining outside so some grabbed their umbrellas.

Eddie ran outside, bumping into some people. He quickly got into his van and put the key in the hole. The car didn't start. He kept twisting and turning until he almost broke his key. He sighed and hit the wheel is frustration. Why did these things always happen to him?

He got out of the car, into the rain. He put his hood over his head and walked towards the street. That was until a certain car stopped in front of him and there was Steve Harrington.

"What are you doing in this rain! Come inside my car and I'll drive you home!" Eddie looked at him, dumbfounded and rolled his eyes and started walking away. That was until a hand grabbed his arm and he turned around to see Steve looking at him stupidly.

"Eddie, come inside my car! It's about to storm and you're making me mess up my beautiful hair!" Eddie thought about it. "How do I know this isn't a trap to kill me? It's not like you didn't try to kill me with trees last time."

Steve felt guilty again before taking a deep breath. "Yes, I know what I did and I'm sorry for that! Now come on, we don't have all day!" Eddie rolled his eyes before snatching his arm away from Steve and hopping into his car. Steve soon got into the car and looked Eddie's way but Eddie just turned his head away.

Steve sighed and put on his favorite song. Eddie turned around and looked at Steve weirdly before rolling his eyes and turning towards the window again. Thoughts of being at the carnival popping up.

Eddie whimpered at the thought and turned around to see if Steve heard. He saw Steve still facing the road and jamming to his song. Ed turned back around and silently started to cry.

He hated himself. He hated life. He hated everyone. He just wanted to end it all...

Once they arrived to Eddie's trailer, Eddie quickly got out the car and ran up to his trailer. He quickly unlocked the door and slammed it.

Steve looked at his confused before turning to see that Eddie forgot one of his rings. He grabbed the ring and thought for a moment before turning off his car and walking up to the trailer. He knocked a couple of times but there was no answer...

He knocked a couple more times and the door swung open to reveal a red stained eyed Eddie Munson. Steve quickly took a hold of situation and checked up on Ed.

"OMG, are you okay?" Ed just wiped his eyes and attempted to close the door. Steve held out his hand to catch the door before stepping closer a little.

"You know you could trust me, Eddie. If something's wrong, you can tell me anything. Why are you crying?" Eddie just sat down, held his knees to his chest for dear life and started bawling his eyes out. Steve quickly walked in and closed the door before picking Eddie up and putting him on the couch. Eddie wanted to fight back but knowing that Steve was stronger and he was "weaker" he wasn't going to fight back and instead tried to get closer to Steve for comfort.

Steve placed Ed on the couch and walked to the kitchen to look for something to eat. He walked back into the living room to see that Ed was sleeping so he just admired the boy.
After Steve was done admiring the boy, he got a piece of paper, wrote his number on it, put Eddie's ring on the note, and put it on the table next to the sleeping Eddie. He smiled at Ed and walked over, planting a kiss on the top of his head before smiling at him and exiting the trailer.

He walked into his car and smiled at Eddie's trailer because pulling back and heading back to his own home.

Low-key short. Sorry that I haven't updated in soooo long. I was busy and I low-key forgot about this story. I'll try to give you amazing humans a longer chapter 💗

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