Getting Ready On Set

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((Hi!! This is my first wattpad story ever, so it might be a lil bad, but I hope you like it! And this is all based on Mephy_chan's art! You should go check them out there amazing!))


"So this is where you guy's will be recorded for the movie" Modern Sonic said while walking around with Movie Sonic showing off the set. Then Modern Sonic looked over at someone and smirked then he nudged Movie Sonic's shoulder "hey do you see that hedgehog over there?" Movie Sonic looked over at the hedgehog and he blushed a lil "y-yeah, I see him!" said Movie Sonic with a light tint of pink on his cheeks. "Well his name is Shadow The Hedgehog, and in my universe he's my boyfriend, maybe he'll be yours too." Modern Sonic chuckled looking down at Movie Sonic. Movie Sonic covered his mouth in excitement while his tail start to wag a lil and he blushed even more and he started to think "w-wait! My possible boyfriend!?" Modern Sonic decided to shove Movie Sonic lightly towards Movie Shadow and he called out Shadow's name "Hey Shadow! Have you met the star of the movie?" Movie Shadow looked over at the hedgehog in front of him and smiled "Oh! You must be Sonic The Hedgehog, right?" Movie Sonic turned completely red then he started to stutter a bit "Y-Yep! That's me.." Shadow chuckled "Well I'm Shadow, It's a pleasure to meet you Sonic. Let's do well for this upcoming movie." Modern Sonic watched the 2 talk and he smiled thinking to himself "I wonder what this little hedgehog is gonna do." He look at Movie Sonic and he gave him a thumbs up when he caught him looking at away. "O-Oh um.. I-" Movie Sonic said trying to spit out what he was trying to say but instead he got to overwhelmed and fainted. Shadow looked down at him falling then he grabs him "Sonic!" Modern Sonic rushed over to both of them and got on his knee and lift Movie Sonic's head up "Shadow can you go grab some water??" Modern Sonic said as he took his coat off and rolled it up then he placed it under Movie Sonic's neck. Shadow widen his eyes "u-uh okay, I will!"

Movie Shadow's POV
I got up and ran up to the snack table and grabbed a bottle of water, I turned around to see the rest of the cast members surrounding Sonic. I don't know why he fainted but he was red as a tomato, he may be sick or something but I ran up to Modern Sonic and handed him the bottle of water. I was starting to get worried. I watched Modern Sonic pour the water down Sonic's throat. "What do you think happened to Sonic?" I asked with a worried tone. Modern Sonic looked up at me and snickered "He'll be okay, he just needs some rest." I sighed in relief hearing he'll be okay. After awhile I sat by Sonic waiting for him to wake up, Tails and the others were there too. Amy was worrying the most, Tails was looking after Sonic, and Knuckles.. he was being Knuckles and figuring out how to open a water bottle with his big hands. I heard a noise come from Sonic and my ears twitched and I looked down at him. "m-mm.. w-what happened..?" He asked in a tired tone. "You fainted! I was so worried about you! It's been an hour!" I watched him turn red again and started to think he was sick so I placed my hand on his forehead to check his temperature "Sonic you are turning red again and your burning up! You sure you feel alright??"

Movie Sonic's POV
I woke up feeling a little dizzy, I didn't know where I was but I heard someone's voice and I looked over open my eyes more to see it was Shadow. "You fainted! I was so worried about you! It's been an hour!" I heard him say, I thought myself. "He was worried about me!?" That thought made me turn red, him. The beautiful hedgehog above me was worried about me..? I felt something cold touch my forehead, it was his hand. "Sonic you are turning red again and your burning up! You sure you feel alright??" I blushed even more, I didn't know what to say, but it made me turn hot and I fainted again with my heart pumping fast. I love this feeling but I don't know how to explain it...

((Like Chapter one? Wait until chapter 2!! And sorry if it's short..))

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2022 ⏰

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Sonic and Shadow's secret relationship behind the set.. ((Sonadow))Where stories live. Discover now