Chapter 1: Early in the Morning

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Dipper POV

A pure black sky, a sea of endless stars scattered across the darkness. The Milky Way painted beautifully across this black blanket I was sitting under. I look around and notice a tree behind me that I was propped up on, nothing too unusual; I feel a light pressure on my lap. I look down and see a figure resting on it. I go down to touch them and...

Something heavy hit my gut.

"oof! what th-?" I say, startled.

I look in front of me and see a duffel bag on top of me.

"WAKE UP, DIP-DIP!" Mabel yells, standing over me.

I groan and sit up in my bed, rubbing my eyes.

"Mabel, it's.." I look at my clock "8 AM, what are you yelling about?"

Mabel shoots me a surprised glance.

"Come ON Dipper, don't tell me you forgot already??" she says

I look at her with a glance and a yawn. "What do you mean?"

"It's the first day of summer dummy! We're going back to Gravity Falls! Mom, Dad, Grunkle Stan, and Grunkle Ford got it all figured out! Our last summer as dependent kids!" She exclaims.

I hop out of bed, throwing on a pair of pants.

"Well, when are we leaving?" I ask as I slowly navigate the room, getting ready for the day.

"9:00! So get ready! I already packed your duffel for you, so you don't have to worry about that! See ya downstairs bro-bro!" She exclaims as she grabs Waddles, still peacefully sleeping, and runs downstairs.

I grabbed the hat Wendy gave to me. "Time to get you back to your rightful owner." I say, a chuckle following shortly after. "Look at me talking to a hat!"

I went through my duffel bag Mabel threw at me since I didn't trust her when packing my clothes for a trip. She missed a few things, but other than those few things, she did pretty well. I threw my Pine Tree Journal, D&D&MD stuff, and Magic the Gathering decks I have into a separate travel backpack.

'Maybe I can teach Great Uncle Ford how to play?' I think to myself. 'He'd probably enjoy it.'

After grabbing a few more things, I go downstairs to the sweet smell of coffee cake.

"HMY DIFFER!" Mabel muffled through mouthfuls of coffee cake

"Good morning again, Mabel." I say

"Oink!" Waddle snorts at me.

"Alright, alright, good morning to you too, Waddles." I say as I tussle the fur on his head. Waddles grunts happily and continues to chow down into his coffee cake-filled food bowl.

As I'm making a plate for myself, I notice that our parents aren't anywhere to be seen. "Where's Mom and Dad?" I ask.

Mabels' response is to slap a sticky note on my forehead. I peel it off and read it.

'Sorry, guys! Your father and I have to go out of town for a conference, you guys have fun and stay safe!'

I put the note onto Waddle's head, a small grunt being his only response, and continued eating.

After a bit, I looked down at my watch as it read 8:43

" Hey, Mabel, we should probably go ahead and head out." I say

I look back up and see Mabel and Waddles already at the door, ecstatic to get to Gravity falls.

"What're we waiting for?" She yells, "Let's go!"

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