Chapter 1

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"You know, you could just ask him out."

"I could do a lot of things, but what's the point when they don't support what I'm trying to accomplish?"

"I'm just saying. It's kind of a big deal to get a whole tattoo just for the chance to talk to him."

"I've been planning that for a while anyway. Think of it as the stone that's going to kill two birds for me."

"Ew. Maybe don't say stuff like that around Angel? It might scare him off."

"Could you just make the appointment, please?"

"I already did. I just think maybe you two should date for a while before you start asking him to ink you up."

— — —

Of course, Alastor knew very well that this little plan of his might be a tiny bit OTT. Yes, he certainly could've asked Natalie for Angel's number instead and approached him that way. It would've been simpler, more conventional, probably more what Angel was used to. And of course, that was exactly the reason he didn't want to do it. Where was the style in that? Where was the intrigue? No, he was sure Angel would appreciate it more if Alastor were to show an interest in his art—and what better way than by offering himself as a canvas?

It wasn't as if he and Angel were total strangers. They'd been introduced a month or two ago when Natalie and her other coworkers had 'dragged' Husker out for drinks to celebrate his birthday and she'd insisted Alastor should come too. He found himself a bit awkward in the group at first, particularly with both Angel and that boy Arden so aggressively flirting with him—but when Natalie very helpfully pointed out his asexuality, they quickly lost interest. Well, Arden lost interest. Angel backed off with an apology. After that, they were able to talk more normally.

He couldn't help but notice right away how clever Angel was as they were chatting, and the blond certainly had charisma for days; it seemed like he might be the main reason this was a group of friends rather than just a handful of coworkers. That was all admirable, sure, but it wasn't until the end of the night that Alastor's interest was solidified. Sometime around 1 a.m., when everyone was already several drinks in, he found Angel alone in the hall at the back of the bar, collapsed on the floor and crying quietly into his hands.

"Er, Angel?" Maybe a bit more susceptible to emotional concern than usual, Alastor knelt beside him, trying to catch his eye. "Are you all right?"

The blond started and nodded quickly, struggling to dry his tears now that someone else was present. "Y-yeah," he muttered, avoiding Alastor's eyes. "I'll be okay. a little overwhelmed. Had too much to drink, I guess. Sorry."

Alastor tilted his head to one side, confused. "For what?"

"Uh, runnin' off without sayin' anything." Carefully wiping the tears and smeared mascara from beneath his two-toned eyes, Angel added, "I didn't mean to worry anybody. Ain't that why you're checkin' on me?"

"They didn't send me, if that's what you're asking." He glanced back toward the room where the rest of their group was waiting, Arden and Natalie watching intently as Husker was demonstrating one of his more casual magic tricks. Alastor had actually been sent to get their next round of drinks but had gotten distracted when he spotted the bright teal of Angel's cropped hoodie and the pink streaks in his pale hair. "I think they might be too drunk to even notice we're gone." He meant that to be sort of a joke, but it seemed to backfire.

"Right," Angel muttered, pulling his knees close against his chest, his tone surprisingly bitter. "They'll prob'ly only start wonderin' where I am when they get bored."

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