Chapter 1, "The Beginning of Everything"

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I awoke not knowing what I was doing, who I was, where I was, what I was, why I was here, or anything really, I realized was surrounded by sand and water the moment I got up, I looked in front of me and there was a cave, it was a circular arch and there was a flock of birds that had flown out, there were also two grave stones outside of it, and steps made of sand leading up

Not knowing where else to go, I stepped up and into the cave

The first thing that caught my eye was a row of neat white candles, I walk over and look at them "how odd..." I say to myself, as I look down, I notice my chest is glowing, I then look down at my chest area and see a glowing white diamond shape

I quickly run back to the water and I peer in.

I see a person with white hair, white eyes, and I seem to be wearing a tan-colored mask, that's strange, I never felt the mask.I reach up to take the mask off but realize it's stuck to my face, I don't panic, I just feel weirded out.I go back to the candles and sit there, wondering what I'm supposed to do, " I light them?" I ask to no one in particular, I don't have a lighter, Or any type of fire for that matter.

I sit there and think about what I'm doing "okay, so I woke up on a beach like area...I have no idea who I am, or where I am" I say to myself, I then somehow feel like I know what to do all of a sudden, it was a strange feeling, it was as if something had given me directions, I put my hand in front of the glowing white thing on my chest and suddenly a candle spawns into my hand, it's a beautiful red color and it looks like it's been used already judging by the wax dripping, but no matter what I did the flame stayed lit, I hovered my other hand above it, It felt warm but it didn't hurt.

I use that candle to light the other candles, and as soon as I light one the others light up
Pictures began to appear on the wall, a female voice spoke to me

"With the stars united, our light was infinite and together we lived in harmony"

The voice stopped and I stared at the picture for a while, my gaze then fell upon another set of candles, I lit those too and the voice came back

"As spirits, we soon became many, Creating our home here in the clouds...."

The voice stopped again and I saw another candle, I walked over and lit that one too

"But darkness came, and the stars fell... and with their light, we faded away"

I then see another group of candles and a light

However, there is a small cliff, there's a small puddle of water underneath so I jump off bracing myself for impact, it doesn't come. Instead I slowly float downwards until I reach the ground which is also confusing...does gravity just not work here?

I jump to test my theory and I jump like normal, so it's not the gravity...

I push it aside and light the last candles

"A long time has passed, now we call out to you"

"Go fourth child, return our spirits to the stars..."

"" I say nervously "I-I don't even know my own name and these people want me to save them?!" I say, I'm only a kid after all...a lot of pressure on me. I then go to the exit of the cave and see a large temple in the distance, trusting what happened earlier I hesitate, then jump off the cliff that I'm on

I slowly float to the ground like last time

I see a shiny white glowing silhouette of a person, I walk up to them "...hello?" I say, they stand completely still

I reach out to touch it but I absorb it instead, I look at my hands and my body as I feel myself change slightly, I close my eyes and the next thing I know...I feel something warm draped around me, I look at the soft cloak that has somehow found it's way on to my body, it's a brown-tan-ish color, it matches my that I think about it, It makes me look kind of like a moth...I think that's what I'm going to call myself, I'm a moth.

I play around a little, and I see a cliff that I have to climb up, I jokingly do a flap with my cape and jump upwards, to my surprise I flap my cape like a bird and fly on to the ledge that had only been a few inches taller than my head, I stand there trying to process what the heck I had just done, before I just decided to continue.

I wonder what other things I can do as I walk on the sand, I then get to a stone ledge with a gateway, it appears to be blocked by a barrier of some sort, it has a constellation on it, I then see a blue glow out of the corner of my eye and turn that direction, there's a blue man kneeling down, I decide to walk over to him "...hey?" I say looking at him, I then pull out my candle and put it near him, to my surprise, he dissolves and I hear a voice in my head

"Help this spirit, experience their memories"

A blue trail like fireflies leads me to 3-d pictures of the man and another person

When I'm finally done chasing this little blue light around, I end up at a statue, they seem to be kneeling as well, the blue light goes inside the statue so I decided to get my candle out and light it, it cracks and glows blue.

After it breaks I look up and see a man, he appears to be talking to someone, he then points to the temple in the distance. After he looks at me and repeats the motion as if to teach me how, I do as he does and he nodded, he then turned into a little blue light again and went to the temple.

I go back to the stone cliff and put my candle to the barrier, it then opens up and I walk through, I find another glowing silhouette, I just decide to call them "winged light" because whenever I get one, I can feel my wings...well, my cape getting stronger, how does that work? I actually don't know....

I soon feel my cape get stronger, and something feels weird, I look at the back of my cape and see there are two stars, "hmm...odd" I say

I walk up to the cliff and look at all the clouds...

An instinct grows inside of me...

...I wanna jump off.

Sky: Children of The Light (NOVEL!)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora