Voyage out to Sea

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"Rob, get up!" Robin woke up to Steve groaning and smacking her head with a pillow.

"Oi, dingus! I'm awake! Jesus." She grabbed the pillow and threw it at him. The girl got up, throwing her tattered clothes on and walking outside the room, being met with the bright sun in her face. Max ran up and hugged her, the bandana on her head flapping a little from the wind.

"Mornin' mom!"

"Good morning to you too." Robin groggily replied, smiling. "What's up Eds?"

Eddie was sitting on a barrel, peeling a potato over the railing.

"Look who's finally up." He smiled at her, beckoning her over. "Wheeler's ship passed us while you were asleep. The woman gave us all death glares." He chuckled.

"Damn, she really needs to start getting boys or she'll turn into the wicked witch of the west!" Both her and Eddie burst into barking laughter at the comment.

Will hugged her from behind, burying his face in her back as he always did. "Morning, cap."

"So I'm not the only one who just woke up?" Will shook his head, and groaned, walking off while mumbling something about needing to take 10 naps today.

"Where's Dusty?"

"In the nav cab." Eddie replied, never taking his eyes off of the potato, careful not to drop it in the sea. That has happened with clumsy Robin one too many times, so she was banned from cooking.

She headed down to the navigation cabin, being met by a sleepy looking Dustin, who was studying a map.

"Oh, good morning." He smiled, not taking his eyes off of the map on the table.

"Mornin'" The tall girl replied, looking at the piece of paper in confusion. "Whas' that?"

"A map." Dustin replied, matter-of-factly. Robin rolled her eyes at him, scoffing.

"Cmon, you know I'm slow! Gimme a clue." She said, groaning dramatically.

The shorter boy thought for a moment before saying, "It's gold."

"Treasure?" She asked, voice rising in excitement.


"Finally! Dustin Harrington, you are a genius."

The captain ran out to the upper deck, heart beating in excitement.

"Woah, what's got you all worked up?" Steve asked, carrying crates of gunpowder to place next to the canons.

"All aboard, everyone! We have eyes on the prize! Heave ho, and let's get this ship started!" She shouted, hanging off of one of the ropes on the mast, pretending to be a TV show presenter, earning chuckles from them. "We are heading 13,473 kilometres north-east."

Everyone's eyes lit up, Max and Will sprinted up the mast, getting the sails in the right place. Steve and Eddie pulled the anchor out of the water, shoving it in the corner of the deck. Dustin climbed out of the navigation cabin and smiled widely at everyone.

"Hey, Dad, you got the wheel?" Steve nodded, running up the stairs to the helm. Everyone was excited, mainly because they have had too many failed attempts at finding this certain pile of goods. It always ended up in them stranded in the middle of the ocean for a few days. This time, nothing could go wrong. How did they know that? Gut feeling.

Dustin wrote down the coordinates, and showed them to Steve, who studied them carefully, before a bright grin appeared on his face. They waited for the wind to pick up, before setting off on their adventure.


"Got anything yet, Sinclair?" Nancy asked, walking over to Lucas who was staring intensely at a map, pencil in hand.

"Actually, yes. There is an island not far from here, about 12,000 kilometres, that is said to hold treasure." He smiled widely, "and the best part."

"Is?" Nancy was now curious.

"Scoops Ahoy is heading there." Lucas looked at Nancy, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"How do you know?"

"Well, when we passed them, the toothless one was holding a map, it had tons of black circles and then a red one. It circled around an island and in big, red letters, it said 'TREASURE?'"
Then, they heard a soft voice behind them.

"Treasure?" Jane said, heading closer to the both of them.

"Yes, J. We've found treasure. Now go wake the others so that we can get going." Jane nodded, sprinting off to wake Jonathan and Mike up.

"Anyways, as I was saying, I tracked down that exact island, and found it. Now, we're closer, so we have an advantage. If we get there, there is a huge tree line riiiiiight, here." He pointed to a spot on the map. "We could hide Shotgun there, and then maybe his in the trees. Once they find it, we jump out, scare the living daylights outta them, and take them to the dungeons."

"Wow, Lucas. I always knew you were a great navigator. We have a chance to finally capture those filthy thieves!" Nancy whooped in joy, Lucas joining in to cheer with her.

Just as they calmed down, the two missing stumbled out of their rooms, Mike groaning and rubbing his eyes, Jonathan grinning excitedly at the mention of treasure.

"-and that's how we capture those rats." Lucas had just finished explaining his plan, the most smug look on his face.

Jonathan sprinted to the helm.

"Well, assuming we're doing that plan, we'd better get going now!" Everyone got to work. Mike grabbed a spyglass and climbed up to the crow's nest. He instantly looked around for 'Scoops Ahoy'. The boy gave the others a nod of approval, as Jonathan started the ship.

Their ship was super fancy. It had literal engines to keep it running. Most ships would use the wind as navigation, but not HMS Shotgun. It was better. More futuristic.

Nancy was cut off of her train of thoughts, by a sharp jolt as the ship's engines started whirring in the water. Slowly but surely, they winded around all the other ships at the dock, and avoided rocks.

They were finally going to have a chance to catch the most dangerous thieving pirates in Hawkins. Nancy was ecstatic, to say the least. The thought of stopping the one and only Buckley encouraged her to go on.

Captain Bluebird shall be no more.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed this first chapter! It's a bit short but I hope it's still good. Also, leave requests for what life-threatening events you want to happen during Robins voyage. Will she encounter the kraken? Will she get lost at sea? You decide! Nothing too crazy like those two examples tho. I need them alive and well for what's to come. 😈

Word Count: 1100

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