I just wanna FUCK him

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"What were you talking to Louis about?" Niall asked as soon as he'd closed the door behind himself and turned around to look at me.

"Why, want him to yourself?Or is it me that you want?"

Niall just shook his head and rolled his eyes as he sat down in a worn-out, black leather chair. He was a real sweetheart, all smiles, laughter and that adorable Irish accent. That's why it was so strange for me to see how he acted towards Liam or whenever Liam was in his presence. Hostile and angry really didn't suit him. I didn't understand what he hated so much about Liam either. He was hot. Then again, fucking your step-brother would may not be accepted. Sad really; they could've had some hot, angry sex.

"You know I don't fuck and leave like you, Harry," he said. "Or kiss and leave for that matter."

I blew impatiently. Of course I knew. I'd figured that out the hard way when I'd try to kiss him after knowing him for one day and a few hours. He hadn't particularly cared for it.

"Yeah, well, unfortunately, I don't think Louis does either," I said and sat down on his desktop.

"Why's that?" Niall asked.

I rolled my eyes. "He was all... awkward when I asked him if he was gay, if he was a virgin and that kind of stuff," I said.

Niall fell into a fit of laughter at that and I scowled at him.

"What?" I ask defensively.

"You don't even know the guy, you can't just ask him stuff like that," Niall said in between laughs.

"Why the hell not?"

"Because I think he is, unlike Liam, a decent guy and decent guys want to get to know people before they sleep with them," Niall said as if he was explaining something very easy to someone who had the same IQ as a birthday cake.

"But I wasn't trying to sleep with him! Not right then anyway. I was just asking some questions!"

"My point is that you don't just go up to a complete stranger and start asking him about his sex-life," he said.

"But what you said to me earlier before you went downstairs...?"

He looked confused for a few seconds before he asked: "What did I say?"

"You said 'See if you can get anything while I'm gone, shouldn't be too hard'," I said.

"Oh, that. Only said that so that Liam would get pissed," he said with a small smile,

"He didn't even hear you," I said.

"Liam?Yeah, I know, but he saw that I said something to you that made both of his smile. He didn't like it."

I rolled my eyes. I wasn't a stupid guy, but Niall's logic was often too much for me to keep up with.

He sighed and looked at me appraisingly.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, just... seriously, if you want to fuck that guy, you have to get to know him first."

"Using words like ' fuck' doesn't suit you," I said to him with a crooked smile.

"I don't like using them either, but you get my point."

I nodded, but then wrinkled my forehead. "But what if I don't want to get to know him?" I asked. "What if I just want to fuck him? Seriously, did you see his ass?Better than any girl's I've ever seen."

Just to clarify things: I wasn't gay and I wasn't bi either. I was just sleeping with whoever I wanted. I'd gotten many "well, either you're gay, bi or straight, you have to be something", but I didn't see why. Why was it so important for people to put labels on everything between heaven and earth?Couldn't I just be who I was without everyone else butting in on it?

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