Chapter 1 to my book I will publish soon!

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The times I have been trying so hard to get my work out it never gets out right. I've been called many things that I rather not share on pen and paper in my new Jornal for the first year in college. Just make it stop, I want to yell but no words come out just a blank stare I give to everyone else. Some say I am mute others say I am emo, but they won't understand that. Never, now in the future or in their past. I want to be like them. Normal, some people would say. I like being a bit different from others but why do I need to be like this? I gripped my hair, leaning over in my seat I could fall over if I just went a bit further. But what really was the point of falling was it just to make your heart race? Or to give you a little thrill? That's a big question I never want to answer. I let go of my hair and looked over at my essay on the bright screen of my computer. This was due in 2 months and it's a 5-month project. I never wanted to work on it but the way my grades have been slipping now that isn't possible. I want to leave. I really do. This school is different to any other that I have heard of or been to. This school is just for Freshmans not juniors no softmoirs not even any Middle schoolers. Everyone here was rejected and not like being bullied or being suicidal but the bullies themselves. I only got to be here because of my parents. They want me to toughen up like one year of this school would do that. I am tough, but not in the way they want. I use my words as my weapon not my own fists. There was no other choice for them. They wanted everything perfect like they were taught not tall scrawny kid like myself. I don't like violence but at this point it must be this way. For the essay we are to wright something we want to change, why we think this, and why it has to do with us and why we choose it. I started typing about bullying and the way words and violence hurt. The way so many things can get to the person's mind and the way it affects many people. I was typing down my fist full page when I heard my roommate call me from outside of my room. "Miles! Come on we need to go!" I groughned when I looked at the time. It said it was 6:45 am. That means I got zero sleep, and I had a test today in Biology. Great! I'm going to fail. Again. I quickly shut my computer and got out of my chair. Rushing I went into the shower using the freezing water, I didn't want to wait for the warm water to come. I washed my hair with my shampoo and hopefully got all of it out. I put the towel around my wait and went to my drawers picking out my green shirt and jeans with my favorite worn out leather belt. I looked back at the clock seeing I just wasted 10 minutes already, I only had 20 minutes to get dressed, eat, brush my teeth, and to get my bag to walk to class. There was not enough time, and I knew it. So, I didn't bother with drying my body and quickly put the towel to my head to get the most water out that I could. I then thrown my towel at a corner and quickly got dressed and brushed my teeth. I didn't need food, I still had lunch in the cafeteria so I could eat then. I needed to get to class a bit early to study for the test. I walked past Ruan to grab my backpack to leave our dorm. The dorms were always cramped with 5-7 kids per dorm. Not any kids the same sex of course. Like what school would put girls and boys in the same dorm. Exactually no one, well with a brain of course. I sped walked past the newcomers and the couples and that one couple that was always making out at the stairs like it's the last day on earth. It's so gross. I went in my side pocket of my bag to get out of my phone. I turned it on looking at my lock screen. My little siblings Ceres, Amax, and Liza with our dog Roz. I smiled while unlocking the phone. I knew the quicker I passed this school the sooner I would see them. That's the one thing that made this worth the while. They were all I had and needed ever. I went to my notes that I took pictures of and started memorizing the information on the paper. I pass the teacher Mr. Loza, who's just making his morning coffee while on his computer, sat at my desk. No one was in the classroom other than us two. We all know no one wants to be in class any earlier than they need to be. That's reasons I don't even get even now, I love going to class. The teachers always helped me get home when my parents forget me there. And let me say that happened a lot more then I would like to admit. "Someone's early today" Mr. Loza said still looking at the computer in front of him. "Oh, sorry I thought I was eating breakfast here" I said sarcastically. I only got a chuckle back that I could hear while I was still reading more of the notes. Let me say biology sucks. Like really sucks. Science and Math aren't my thing. Never been good at them but Art, PE and World History are my specialties and things I love. That's when the bell rang and woke me up from my blank thinking trance. That's when all the rest of the class came barging in to not be late by the second bell. I got many stares while they were going to their own seats. I know I was always a bit early but I didn't know coming early would make me have so much attention from the others. It was quiet unsettling. Not like if you are at a school party and you end up dancing but while you are dancing you end up falling on your but having everyone laughing at you, no much worse. "Alright good morning class" Mr. Lazo said with a smile on his face. I looked down and put my phone away in my bag making sure it was on silent mode then looked back up at the teacher who was now writing what we were testing on today on the white board. When he finished writing all of it down, he turned back to us and pushed his glasses up his nose to make him seem more serious than he actually was. It was hilarious no matter what his glare said to the class. I wanted to get this done and leave as soon as possible. I then spoke up and said "Can we get this test over with? Or are we having a staring contest" that comment got me a few giggles and stares from the room. "Ah yes Mr. Sino, we should start that now but what is the rush?" Mr. Lazo said with a grumpy attitude. "Oh, nothing really just would like to get to my other classes a piece of my mind today" I said with a quick come back. That gave me yet another glare that must be one of the only things he knows how to do. But he won't get a reaction from me I thought so I smiled back with a small wave. After a bit he finally walked to his desk picking up one of the stacks of papers to hand out. It was like half of my own cafe. That tall and I couldn't believe my own 2 eyes. I think some of the other students would agree with me at that.   

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2022 ⏰

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