How it all started

37 0 6

Suddenly he stopped.
"Why'd you stop?"
"Look! A flower field!"
He grabbed the other boy's hand.
"I can walk on my own,"
"Shhh look!"
There stood two little boys surrounded by flowers in the middle of a forest near a few cottages.
"Pick a flower!!"
"Hmmm this one,"
"The allium?"
"Yeah it's really pretty,"
He picked up the flower.
"Here take it," He handed it to the other boy.
He took it.
The other boy grabbed a flower as well.
"This one's for you,"
"We're the allium duo now!"
"Allium duo?"
"Yeah! Because we both love alliums!"
"I like that,"
Tommys POV:

'Pick a flower'


I miss that.

"Toms? Are you ok??"

"Huh? Oh yeah sorry tubs,"

"Ok if you say so,"

"Wait- where did you go-"

"I'm in a cave, I'm stuck,"





"Oh brb Tubs I got a notification,"


I muted the discord call to check the notification.

'Hey Tommy, I was wondering if you want to call in about 10 minutes?'

It was Ranboo.

'Sorry bossman I'm already in a call with Tubs maybe later though,'

'That's okay! Lmk when you can!'

'Will do bossman!'

I unmuted the call with Tubbo.

"You spin me right round baby right round-"


"Finally your back. Do you have the blocks to get me out?"

"Yeah, how far are you?"

"Literally outside"

"Wha- oh hey"


I gave him some blocks and he climbed out the hole, I hit him and ran.






"Brb I got another notification"

I muted the call again it's from Ranboo (again)

'What if I was in the UK?'

'My house better be the first one you come to boob boy'

'Ok lol'

'Wait why?'

'Just wondering'

'Weirdo lol'


I unmuted the call.

"Hey Tubs I gotta go,"

"Aww ok see ya bossman,"

"See ya,"

I left the discord call and texted Ranboo again.

'I can call now if you want'

'Ok! I might have to go in about an hour so be prepared lol'


"Hey Toms!"

"Ranboob!" I exclaimed turning on my camera.

"Tommy I told you stop calling that!"

"I said over my rich hot dead body!"

"Did you get that from TikTok?"


"MARK HURRY UP WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!"I heard from his microphone.
"COMING MOM!" He yelled.
"I'll be right back toms"

"Ok," I replied opening tiktok (because I'm bored af).

I was scrolling on TikTok and eventually found an account  based on allium duo content.

Wait, could Ranboo be?


No he can't be Mark.

That's impossible.

450 words!!

Hello everybody I have come back with a new book (still on vacation lol) also sorry about no updates on 'Turquoise' cant really update with family around lol.

Goodbye have a lovely day/night sunshines!!

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