Surving this..."school"

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•Madeleines POV•

I decided to head a classroom. I was looking around trying to find anything. I heard the door open.

"W-what happened to you?!" I exclaimed. Latte approached closer to me. "Stay back!" I yelled. Latte then started charging at me. "ARE YOU CRAZY?!" I screamed while running.

I ran, and ran, through the halls. I then entered another classroom and hid behind a shelf that was out. Latte passed the classroom. "So I see...I have to stay out of her sight..." I thought to myself. The classroom door then opened.

Almond walked in. I held my breath as almond searched the classroom. "Wh€r€ @r€ y0û" Almond stuttered in a distorted voice. "They can talk...?!" I thought, surprised. "C0m€ o#t." He said, getting angry.

After about 30 minutes of him searching in frustration almond left. I let out a deep sigh of relief. I then exited cautiously and went into the library. I found some things the previous ex-students left behind. I decided to rest there for the night, since I was exhausted from running.

•in the morning•

I woke up and noticed eclair in the library walking around, checking the books occasionally. I noticed that any type of noise attracted eclairs attention to it. So I had decided to be as quiet as I could and tried crawling to the door. "W%0$ th€r€?" Eclair said.

I was terrified and grabbed a nearby book and threw it away. Eclair immediately headed to that location. I made it out and headed to a classroom.

"Oh my...god..." I muttered, I could tell my eyes started to water as they did I felt myself collapsing to the floor and started to question; why did this happen?, who caused this?, what started this?

All of the sudden somebody pushed me down to the ground. It was almond, he grabbed my neck and pinned me to the ground. Just about as I was about to suffocate, a figure came up behind almond and pulled him off of me. They helped me up. I then realized it was espresso.

(DISCONTINUED FOR A BIT) A demons song... Demon Espresso X Survivor Madeleine AUWhere stories live. Discover now