That Night.

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Y/N's POV:

I was lying down on my bed as I starred out of my glass window into the big city's busy street. It was around 6:50 PM as I was lost in my thoughts. "why" - I Thought as I exhaled low from my vapor. "Why would she do this..? To her own family."  My mother. I always loved her so dearly. She took care of me. Or at least, used to.  She always made sure I was never hurt and always knew how to put a smile on my face. She was the #1 woman in my life that, I always looked up to. But that sure all changed.. That night, nothing would be the same. Me and my father were coming back home from a long and tiring day of work. I was a barista at a local coffee shop near my father's working company. We would usually both leave at the same time and he would drop me off home whenever I was finished as he went back to work. He was mostly out almost all the time but, he somehow made time for us. My mother was a housewife so she would mostly stay at home cleaning up the place and preparing meals for us as we got in and go.. 


It was a normal afternoon as I was closing up in the coffee shop, it was closed now. Our last customers of the day had just left and me and my co worker and bestfriend, Aimi, were finishing off the last table and packing things up for the night. 


Aimi looked at me with a silly look and asked in a high pitched voice, "Haha! This just gets harder and harder for you huh??". 

I looked at her with a smudged look and gave her a slight nudge on the arm 

"Aish! be quiet. I'm just ready to go home and finish my damn K-drama!". -I said

She let out a small laugh under chin and placed both of her hands on my shoulders and slightly started to shake me "Calm down! just this table and we're done okay??". She let go of me and went back behind her station to start packing her stuff. I let out a sigh of relief as I glanced towards the window at the corner of the store to see my dad's car parked near the entrance. "Finally" - I thought. I rushed to my station to get my bag as I yelled out for Aimi 

"COME ON AIMIII!! MY DAD'S HERE!!". After I called out for her I went out in front of the door entrance but left behind the store's key for Aimi to get it. I looked over in the corner and waved my dad over as he drove his Black Tesla towards me. 

"Hey honey! how was work?" - He asked. I let out a low sigh as I got in the seat next to his and buckled my seat belt.

"So long and tiring.." - I said feeling drowsy. My dad let out a soft chuckle and placed a hand on my head, softly stroking my hair

"Well honey, that's the part of being grownup! Soon enough you'll be taking over my business!" - He laughed

I said up straight with a wide grin, punching his shoulder I let out a loud laugh.

"Hah!! In your dreams! There's absolutely NO way I'm taking over! Too much work hours and communication! Ew!!" - I said.

My dad looked at me with a confused yet playful look and let out a slight laugh. Taking his hands off of my head he placed them on the steering wheel about to take off. Until, Aimi suddenly slammed opened the coffee shop's door and locking it back up. She turned to look at me and let out a huff as she entered the back seat and reaching her hand out to flick my ear.

"YAH! Were you about to leave me huh??" - She yelled. 

I let out a burst of laughter as my dad looked back at Aimi surely surprised. "Huh?" 

"Aimi dear, you were coming too??" - He asked with a confused look.

"Yes Mister Kim! I didn't have a ride and I thought Y/n told you I was joining!" - She replied with a pout.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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