chapter two 🌟

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6 a.m ; maria's house

last night victoria slept over so we woke up to my alarm and I grabbed a plain grey crop top, a pair of baggy jeans and my white converse. I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower while starting my playlist as I entered the shower. I quickly washed my hair and then rinsed off. I got out after about 10 minutes and washed my face, brushed my teeth, and did my skincare. I then put on my clothes and then did my makeup followed by me blow drying and straightening my hair which took about 30 minutes making the time 6:45. I ran downstairs and grabbed a smoothie from the fridge and went back up to my room. I lived about 20 minutes away from the school so I was trying to hurry. Victoria was already ready and was waiting in my bed on her phone. I put perfume and deodorant and zipped up my backpack putting it next to my door. I grabbed my bracelets, necklaces, earrings and belt putting everything on. It was 7 so I grabbed my brother and told Victoria to come and then we left. We got there at 7:30 and went to Starbucks which was a block away and we're back to the school by 7:45 when everyone was already there. I went to my locker and grabbed everything I needed for class and then I heard paxton behind me. He smiled at me and then continued taking to his friends before the bell rang.

It was mid second period and we needed to grab partners. I saw this girl going up to paxton as paxton made his way over to me. "Wanna be my partner?" He asked as the other girl stopped herself and started walking away. I agreed and he smiled as he pulled our desks together so there wasn't as much distance. The teacher rambled on until he gave us the final assignment which was to prepare a presentation about European history. We both sighed knowing nothing about the topic meaning we had to study. The bell rang and he dismissed us. We left the class together and he said "looks like we'll be together a lot a this week" he grinned and winked. I blushed a little as we walked to our next class. The girl from earlier looked at me weirdly when she saw me talking to paxton but it didn't really matter.

lunch came quickly and paxton invited me to sit with him and his friends. Victoria pushed me to sit with him so I went and sat next to him. He introduced me to his friends and they all looked at me. it felt kinda uncomfortable but I just sat through it. They continued talking as paxton invited me to his swim meet today after school. "Will there be a lot of people there?" "Only special people." He smirked and I agreed. "Great. I'll take you home after?" I nodded "cool"

School went by fast today and it was eventually time for paxtons swim practice so I made my way to the pool. Paxton came out of the locker room without a shirt and wet hair and waved at me. My jaw dropped as he smiled knowing exactly what I was thinking. He came over and asked "what were you staring at?" In a teasing voice as I began stuttering. "um. something just surprised me I guess?" i sounded unsure but he just shook his head and dived into the pool. He shook his hair off as he came up and then climbed onto the diving boards again. It was a swimming competition? Cool. I watched as paxton swam faster than anyone I'd ever seen swim and he actually ended up winning. As he came up his eyes were on me and we made direct eye contact.

Practice ended about an hour later at around 5 p.m and we walked out together. "You must have a lot of swimming experience huh?" He nodded. "The summer before my freshman year I started practicing professional swimming. I'm hoping it'll get me a scholarship at a good school." that was good for him. He took me to his red jeep and I already knew malcolm took my car home like I'd asked. I sat in the front and he turned on the radio. I put my address into his gps and he followed it until he got in my neighborhood from there I just told him where to stop. "It's right up here." He stopped the car when he was outside my house and he looked confused. "Is this for real where you live?" "Yeah why?" He told me his house was right up the street. I smiled to myself realizing that would make things easier. For the project of course. "Oh damn that's nice." He agreed and then I thanked him for the ride. Before I got out he grabbed me by my arm and pulled me in for a slow, soft, and passionate kiss. his lips felt warm pressed up against mine making the kiss even more enjoyful. This was the first of many. Maybe Ben had been wrong? Or had she just been one of paxtons hook ups. They continued to make out until my phone rang ruining the moment. we hesitated to pull away but eventually had to. it was my brother. fuck, had he seen us? paxton looked at me waiting for me to look up as I was cussing my brother out in a large paragraph through text. "everything alright?" he asked I nodded. "Just my stupid brother. sorry I have to go I'll see you tomorrow and uh thanks for you know" I said awkwardly as I hopped out of the big van grabbing my backpack behind myself and closing the door as I ran to my front porch fumbling with my keys and eventually opening the door as soon as he began pulling off.


long ass chapter but it's okkk. 💀
anyways stan paxton because he's just fine asl. low key in love wit him or wtvvv 😍😪

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