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when he woke up this morning, Jay felt strangely more tired than before, that he could barely stand

but he had to get up the same, otherwise he would have been late for the breakfast

with his time, he washed and changed, and as soon as he was ready with his blue gi on, he walked, almost tremblingly weak, towards the dining room

luckily for him today there was no type of training, so he was more relieved to not explain how bad he was feeling

inside the room, everyone was present, and seeing that he was the only one late he hurried to take his plate and sit down

"good morning" his throat scraped, letting out a nasal and strained voice

the others greeted him back, but as soon as he sat in his usual place, his girlfriend did not waste time to analyzing him, especially after seeing how his body was tired for everything

"you okay, bud?" Cole caught Nya's concern, so he asked first

"uhm yeah, I'm just still a bit sleepy"

"those dark circles under your eyes don't just seem tiredness" wu spoke, not even without lifting his gaze from his plate

"do you feel a bit of a cold?" Misako was also on the table, miraculously being in the monastery with them

"maybe a bit" and of course to highlight the obvious, he sniff with his nose involuntarily

"I detect a slightly fever, you should take some rest" Zane announced, and this left Jay a little perplexed

it was from, he could say even a few years, that he did not have a form of fever, maybe a cold happened every now and then, but it vanished after two days and he was better. but it was definitely better than now

"I'm sure that with a soup it will pass" he convinced himself, knowing on the one hand that he was right, but also knowing that they would force him to rest

he got up from his chair, deciding to make himself an hot soup, but as soon as he stood, like if his stomach had turned upside down, a sudden strong nausea was felt

escaped, he ran into the bathroom, leaving the rest of the team slightly worried

"I prepare the soup" Nya said, also getting up from the table, but Zane got up first "I will take care of the soup, Nya" she thanked him and took the opportunity right away, going to the bathroom

in front of the door, she heard various groans. inside she could see her Yin clinging for his dear life to the sides of the toilet, showing a sore expression

"how are you?" she asked, lifting Jay off the floor and arranging him to take him to his bed

"it couldn't get any worse than this," he said, not even knowing what kind of answer to give, she only took it as a form of a reassuring thing

but she never liked to see him in this tired state

"now you will rest down and feel better" Nya said, gently sitting him on top of the bed, and then bringing the blankets over half of his bust "the soup will arrive in a few minutes"

but zane's clock apparently was different, and so he showed himself first in front of Jay's door "the soup is ready"

both looked in zane's direction, Nya seemed amazed at his speed, while Jay seemed relieved instead

Zane handed the bowl to Nya "thank you Zane" both thanked him at the same time "my pleasure" the nindroid offered a kind smile to the couple, and then left the room and closed the door behind him

Nya took a spoonful of it, making sure it wasn't too hot, and then approached it to his mouth

Jay took the bite and tested the food, then declaring the taste "I must admit that it is really good"

"just thanks to Zane's good food" she said, bringing a little more serenity on the room

she looked at him slightly worried, seeing how he was enjoying the spoonfuls of soup taken by her

taking just the taste of the moment. but she didn't bother it that much, happy to be able to help her boyfriend

"I think I'm full" Jay said, but the soup wasn't completely finished yet. theoretically the bowl had to be empty to go back to the kitchen, but she didn't want to see him go back to the bathroom to vomit, so he put the bowl on the floor

"I already feel better" Jay confessed, but still felt a need..

"but I would be feel even better if you were here" he pat to the mattress, right in the small space next to him

"I don't know, it would be appropriate to avoid it now that you are sick.." she was also sorry to say it

"Well, now this incredibly sucks" Nya laughed, finding him even cute when he was offended like a little kid

"as soon as you're really well we'd be together as much as you want sparky" she said, but she didn't believe either how long this sentence would last

and as soon as he saw Jay's change of expression, she knew that the decision would change even earlier

and in fact, after a few words of Jay that made her convince more and more, even if she was not very convinced if it was the right thing, she gave in

finding herself now comfortably in his arms, warming him and herself

but as soon as Jay put out the first sneeze, she knew how it would end for her later..

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