Stab happy

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Art by MareOcean on Twitter!

  "Thank you, and enjoy your experience!"

  Oliver pushed Fukase's wheelchair past the entrance to the fair, Hio and Arsloid and their friends following right after them.

  "Alright you two," Hio spoke, and Oliver and Fukase looked up at him at the same time. "We'll meet back here in an hour and a half. Don't be late."

  "We won't." Oliver promised half heartedly, turning back to Fukase. "C'mon, let's go find something to do!"

  Oliver pushed Fukase around with zero idea where they were going. He's never been to a fair before, so he had no idea what there was to do here. He could see countless stands and rides but had no idea where to even start.

  "You okay, Oli?" Fukase asked, reaching back and poking Oliver's cheek. James pecked at him. "You look lost."

  "I am. I dunno where to start; there's so much to do!"

  "Let's just start with something small, like a ring toss."

  "Ring toss?"

  "Yeah, why not?" Fukase said with a shrug, squishing Point who was sat in his lap. "They're rigged, but it's pretty fun to try anyway."

  Luckily Oliver didn't have to walk too far to find a ring toss as it was only two or three stalls from the entrance. He let Fukase try first to see what he had to do. Pretty self explanatory. You throw a ring at a bottle and hope it lands. After Fukase's failed attempts, it was Oliver's turn. He paid, received his rings, and aimed.

  "Win me that big elephant!" Fukase cheered, pointing to the plushie hanging from the stall.

  Oliver smirked and confidently tossed the ring, but what should have been a perfect throw, turned out to be a complete miss. Oliver attempted twice more before buying more rings.

  "Oli, wait, I was kidding." Fukase said with a laugh. "You aren't gonna land one, it's impossible."

  "No! I'm committed now."

  James looked back at Fukase like Oliver just said the dumbest thing ever, and it wasn't until halfway through blowing all of his money that he realized they may have had a point. There were several times in his attempts that he should have landed the rings, yet they bounced off the bottle anyway. He glared at the glasses of deceit and then at the stall runner. A man who couldn't be no older than twenty, probably fresh out of high school and already dropped out of college. Curly brown hair.

  "Sorry kid, looks like another fail." He commented, uninterested and condescending. "Wanna try again?"

  "No, thank you." Oliver said through gritted teeth. He began climbing over the counter, and the stall runner panicked.

  "Hey, you can't do that!"

  Oliver pulled a knife from his pocket and pointed it at the man, a devilish glint in his yellow eye. "Don't touch me, remember you are still mortal."

  Fukase snorted as the stall runner froze up and let Oliver do whatever he wanted. Oliver picked up one of the many fallen plastic rings and forced one onto a bottle; and he turned to the stall runner with an innocent smile, still pointing the knife at him.

  "I believe I've won a prize, have I not?"

  The man nodded, and Oliver giggled and reached up and grabbed the elephant Fukase wanted. He threw it at the boy, who caught it easily, and Oliver turned his attention to the stall runner again. "Now, where's my money?" He pointed to a box under the counter, and Oliver grabbed it and took his money back. He crawled back over the counter, putting his knife away in the process.

  "Don't bother calling the cops." Oliver warned, not looking at the stall runner as he grabbed Fukase's wheelchair's handles and walked them away. Fukase glanced back and frowned.

  "He's calling the cops." He looked back ahead and shook his head. "Even after you told him not to."

  "Don't worry, they won't believe him."

  A little over thirty minutes later, they were approached by the stall runner and a cop, who very clearly looked like she didn't wanna be here.

  "Is there a problem, officer?" Oliver prompted nonchalantly, taking a bite of his candy floss.

  "This man says you threatened him and stole from him."

  Oliver and Fukase shared a clueless look. "What do you mean?" Fukase asked. "Maybe you've got the wrong people."

  "Yeah, I mean, why would we steal? It's not like either of us could do very much." Oliver added with a shrug.

  The stall runner pointed at Oliver. "He had a knife!"

  The cop sighed. "I'll do a quick pat down, and if they don't have anything, we're done here."

  The cop patted down Oliver first and then Fukase. She pulled away when she didn't find anything but extra bandages in Oliver's pocket and candy wrappers in Fukase's, and she turned away from the boys with an annoyed look on her face. Oliver fought back a grin, after all, she didn't even check his eye socket.

  "Come with me, sir." She spoke to the stall runner, hand on her handcuffs.

  "What? No! He did it! I swear, I wouldn't accuse kids of doing something so bad if it didn't happen!" He backed away from the cop, and Oliver felt a sick sense of satisfaction as the cop slapped the handcuffs on his hands and took him away.

  "You're good at lying, Olive." Fukase commented when they were out of ear shot.

  "Oh, I only do it to get out of trouble." He said with a laugh. "Good thing we made Hio hold that elephant, or that could've been used against us."

  "Yeah, now let's get that knife out of your eye, it makes me nervous."

You can't hold innocent people at knife point, Oliver. [Olikase/FukaOli]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora