3 Years Old

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Death is definite. Most people fear it, few people welcome it, but it will eventually reach everyone. There are ways people avoid it, like vampires, although they relinquish their humanity to do so. There are stories of a circus full of them, going from town to town, night by night. What if these stories were real? Well they are, and this is one of those stories. One of a small hermaphrodite who found comfort with the ones who relinquished their humanity, as she, herself, would join their ranks one day. But let's start at the beginning.

Alex Tribman, our hermaphrodite, was born on October 31, 1782, in Boston, Massachusetts. She was raised to be female, but she could be either one if they wanted. She felt best when she appeared as a female, however tomboyish. Her hair was white, her eyes a strange silver color. You may note that it says raised, but she never truly knew her parents. Her father had died in Charleston, and her mother, who saw her as a cursed child, had married again to a high ranking officer in the British royal navy. They were left at a bar, where she was raised to adulthood by the barkeep and his lover, who were very accepting.

The barkeep, whose name was James Harvey, was a handsome man who wasn't able to go to war, but he was close friends with the child's father. He stood about five foot nine, with long silky black hair, and a rather feminine figure. He was from the far east, from where he was exiled. He was mistaken for a female most of the time. He was also a hermaphrodite, but chose to appear male. He also taught Alex how to appear male if she ever wanted to. He was a terrible cook, but a great people pleaser and a wonderful jest. He also knew how to make a strong, stout drink that could knock the heaviest drinkers out with a tiny sip.

Trevor Bayts, the barkeeps lover, stood at six foot four. He had dark brown eyes and red scruffy hair, along with a bit of a gut that hid his muscles. He was in the war, where he served as a second-lieutenant. It was during this war that he met James. He didn't care about the young lad's past or gender. He fell for him immediately. He was only a couple years older than James, and once the war was over, they opened the tavern together. Unlike James, Trevor was a great cook, but he was rather timid unless someone were to harass James or Alex. He was harmless for the most part though. Even though he was the more masculine of the two, he was actually the mother figure.

When Alex was three, they went to see a curtain circus. This circus was only open to a set number of invited people, all of which were considered freaks or wealthy businessmen of the time. This circus was called the Crimson Crown Circus. James had been invited, and had taken Alex as his plus one. A young girl then, she strayed a bit, losing her guardian in the crowd. A tall female figure with red eyes and slightly pointed ears knelt down to speak to Alex. "Are you lost young child?" To which she nodded, unable to speak as she was entranced by the woman's eyes. Her silver eyes almost shimmer in the red hew of the woman's eyes, highlighted by the paleness of her skin. "Well then.. You must be James's child. I'm an old friend of his." She reached her long, slender hand out, which Alex took. The tall woman led her to James, making James smile at seeing that it was her that found Alex. "I know you said you had a child but I didn't know how adorable she'd be."

"Esmerelda!" James lit up when his eyes met the woman escorting Alex. "It's been what.. five years?" Alex ran and hugged James, who picked her up. "Yes, this is Alex. They're like me, but they seem to like dresses more than shorts." To which Esmerelda, the tall woman, understood.

"Well I hope you enjoy the show, little one." Esmerelda said to the small Alex before turning to James. "And you as well, old friend."

"Bye-Bye pretty lady" said Alex, unable to say Esmerelda properly at her age. This made Esmerelda and James let out a giggle. Once Esmerelda had left, James and Alex joined the crowd in the spectators area. It was an amazing show, things that seemed impossible were happening right before everyone's eyes. Levitation, death defying drops, they were all happening. None of the performers seemed human. At the end, the finale was a massive vanishing act. The figures and props all disappeared in the blink of an eye. After everything, Alex was tuckered out, asleep the whole way home, not knowing she wouldn't see the amazing sights for another ten years.

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