The Night In Question

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James Lucas Scott

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James Lucas Scott

I stood behind her in the brisk morning air. I was in my t-shirt and jeans. I knew she wasn't going to look at me. I couldn't really expect her to. She probably expected the worse and it's not like the
worse couldn't have happened but I hoped she thought better of me than that."We didn't have sex, Brooke." It kind of just came out of me. I couldn't let her worry. I really couldn't. I could see the relief as she turned to face me, "Thank fucking God." She giggled that giggle of pure bliss. I scratched the back of my neck letting out a soft chuckle, "Brooklyn, we do have to ta-"
"I was worried. You have no clue how stressed I've been all morning," She just kept talking and I
couldn't interrupt her.

I just stood there with my thoughts. I kissed her. I would have totally done more and I feel disgusted with myself for thinking that way. I mean she's my little sisters' best friend and there's a 4 year age difference. She was beyond drunk last night. Emotions just got the best of us. She was hurting and I was hurting. This whole situation is bad as she went on and on about all her worries. I realized I can't tell her. "So what did happen?" She looked up at me, her eyes seeking answers. "I mean why was I in a bed next to you Jamie?" I swallowed hard, running a hand through my hair, "Well, one moment you were fine," a lie, "the next you were throwing up. So I just took care of you." She covered her face nodding. "Makes sense. Same old Jamie Scott taking care of me and my drunk self." I bit my lip nodding. Yep. Yep, that's 100% what happened. Duh.

The truth was I found her crying in that room. I was kind of tipsy but not tipsy enough not to realize who was crying. "Brooke, What's going on?" She hurriedly wiped her face shaking her head, "Nothing. Nothing." I sat next to her putting my arm over her shoulders, "Come on talk to me." She swallowed hard then looked at me, her eyes glossy, " I broke up with Leland tonight because he's an asshole and he's out there making out with Sophia Dupre. I dumped him yet I'm crying and he's made the last year of my life hell but I'm crying. I just thought maybe he would fight for me," She rolled her eyes, wiping her face, "I'm sure I sound stupid. I just want to be looked at like I'm worth something and sometimes he did that." I sighed and gave her a soft hug.

She shouldn't feel like that, no one
should."Brooke, If he can't see what a wonderful person you are than fuck him." I wiped her tear as I looked into her eyes, "You, Brooke Gatina, are worthy of more than Leland Adams." She smiled up at me as I smiled at her. Just like that my lips were on hers. I crossed a line. I know I did. My hands rested on her cheeks as I pulled away from her soft lips. She looked down as I pulled away from her. "I'm sorry." "No, I'm sorry." We sat in silence for a bit or at least what felt like a bit and then I felt her hand on mine. I didn't pull it away, I just looked at her. "Brooke, We-" "Shouldn't." "Right," I stood up to leave before I felt her put her hand on my shoulder. I slowly turned to face her and before I knew it there we were kissing again. Her lips dancing with mine as I lifted her up slightly holding her close. I placed her on the bed, pulling away, debating my options. I turned from her for a second before I turned around again to her dress on the ground. My eyes got big as they traced over her body. She was truly beautiful. She kneeled on the bed looking up at me, "Jamie, please-"

I sighed sitting next to her, "I can't." I heard her groan as she laid on the bed rolling away from me. "I'm sorry Brooke but we both aren't sober right now. I can't make this choice for us plus you and Leland just broke up. You might completely regret this and it'd be a lie if I said I was ready for this." I glanced over at her, "Please don't be mad at me." There was nothing but silence. I groaned and laid back on the bed. I fucked up. I looked at the ceiling waiting for her to say anything. I leaned on my side looking over at her. She's fucking asleep.

Lydia and Olivia had joined us outside. I sat in a lounge chairs as the girls talked. I can't believe I lied to Brooke but I could see the fear and the regret on her face before I could even explain. I mean nothing really happened but a kiss. That's it. Why do I need to talk about that? God. I'm such a- why the fuck is Kyle Adams talking to Lydia. "Girls. I think it's time we go." I could feel Lydia's daggers but after her little love fiasco with the Kellers, the last thing she needs is a Adams.

I walked inside after the girls, looking over at Kyle, "I don't know what your intentions are Adams but leave her be." He raised an eyebrow at me and simply smirked, "I think you'll be seeing me around alot more Jamie." I bit my bottom lip sighing before I walked inside. There's no point in starting a fight. I'll talk to Lydia about this later. I just was ready to go. The girls gathered there stuff as I waited in the car. I put down my visor as a picture fell out. I held it in my hands, my eyes began to water. Madison Landry I miss you and I'm sorry.

AN: I hope you been enjoying our work,we been working hard and getting back into the groove of writing,please give our chapters some votes and comments and more!

AN: I hope you been enjoying our work,we been working hard and getting back into the groove of writing,please give our chapters some votes and comments and more!

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— kenaki

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