movie nights with them

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- it's at your house
- blankets, pillows, snacks anything you can think of, it's there
- cuddles.
- at the beginning he did the fake yawn to put his arm around you
- "so y/n, what movie are we watching?"
- "jaws."
- "WHAT."
- very scared
- constantly clinging onto you
- you were scared too to be honest
- you both held onto each other
- "finney, the movie just started, why are you screaming already?"
- after the movie he was wreck
- "i am never going to the beach with you again."
- "fine i'll just ask bruce"
- "oh hell no."
- that caused a heated makeout
- he was quite jealous
- "y/n, you're MY girl, fuck that stupid ass shark. i'm going to the beach with you whenever."
- "okay baby"
- he slept over and was the big spoon

- your parents own the drive in
- which means you get free movies to watch
- which means robin comes along too
- you guys used your dads truck to watch the movie
- "so y/n, what movie is playing tonight?"
- "the one and only, texas chainsaw massacre!"
- "oh angel you know me so well"
- so excited
- you guys laid blankets and pillows
- you guys cuddle the whole time
- constantly thanking you for bringing him
- kisses your neck a lot
- at one point you guys were sitting up and you were in his lap and he just kept kissing it
- "robin. you're gonna leave hickeys."
- "oh well."
- "ROBIN. my dad will kill you."
- "fine."
- when he went to go get popcorn a group of guys came up to you and you had to act like you sleeping
- total creeps
- but they left after they saw robin
- for the rest of the movie you guys cuddled and watched the movie

- wants to go watch it at your house but you guys watch it at his
- "how did you get the new halloween movie y/n?"
- "i know a guy."
- you guys lay in the living room
- amy tries to watch it with you guys
- "no amy, this is halloween. you cant watch this"
- "fine."
- you guys eat candy and popcorn
- you both fall asleep mid movie
- bruce woke up about an hour later
- the movie was almost over tho
- so he brought you up to his room and you guys slept in his room

- you guys watched the movie at your house
- tries to makeout but your mom walked in
- "am i interrupting something?"
- "nope, not at all mom"
- "uh huh, sure use protection"
- "MOM."
- vance was DYING
- you guys watched "alien"
- you nearly shit your pants
- vance was just laughing at you for being so scared
- he did scream like a little bitch one point
- you couldn't stop laughing
- pillow fight
- watched probably about an hour of it
- because of pillow fights and a mini makeout session
- "vance, we didn't even watch the movie?!"
- "sorry your lips distract me"

i literally feel so bad for the irregular updates guys
i'm so sorry
i might change the updates to twice a day
i literally need suggestions so bad 😩😩😩 PLS TELL ME SOME OF YOU GUYS IDEAS FOR SOME PREFERENCES
that would be greatly appreciated
i'll be updating again soon
i love you guys so much and i'm so grateful for all the support i've gotten from you guys
everytime you guys vote it makes my heart melt and a lot more motivated to write so, thank you

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