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I am on my way to the Redello mansion. We have to discuss something regarding the kids with the family. I am only going there alone, I think it’d about time I expressed how I feel. I arrive after a few minutes and go inside.

Ma: Nandi. Hi.
Me: (smiles) Hi Ma.

I see Wendy and Njabulo. They look at me and keep their distance.

Steven: you can come in Ms M.
Me: mhh.

I walk inside and all the men are there. Ma joins me and a lawyer comes in.

Lawyer: Ms Mabuza.
Me: Gia.

Lol Gia is the Lawyer.

Gia: so we are here to discuss the Redello kids: Sbahle, Thingo & nefi.
Steven: yep.
Gia: so, both parties have agreed to the 50/50 co-parenting  decision (Looks at me)
Me: (nods)

She gives me the document and I sign.

Me: is that all.
Gia: the kids will be visiting their father for 1 week and you, their mother for the 1 week. It will be rotational.
Me: fine by me.
Quinton: (nods)
Gia: okay… (signs document)
Me: are we done ??
Gia: yes.

I get up

Me: should have just sent documents to my house than waste my time.

I walk away.

…: Nandi

Someone pulls my arm and I turn around

Me: (removes hand) what ?
Quinton: please let me ex…
Me: there is nothing to explain, it’s done.
Quinton: I love you…
Me: (shakes head) I don’t. Not anymore.
Quinton: I can fix this…
Me: there is nothing to be fixed. It was never ever really love if you constantly have to fix things when you mess up.
Quinton: but it was…
Me: Mind you I know. I know what happened to you. Girardi. (voice breaking) Dude how can you push me away, I was your fiancé, you can’t get engaged to me, want to get married to me and then you push me away when it gets tough. That’s no how it works. You did the same thing regarding the situation with your aunt, you pushed me and my kids away. (Cries) I thought you had learnt your lesson but NO you haven’t…
Quinton: I’m will…
Me: with another woman, not me. Leave me alone QUINTON. You have done enough damage as it is. You want things to go your way, not considering other people’s feelings because you are smarter than all of us. Look at you now ? You are bruised and... (Looks up with tears in eyes). We are done. Leave me alone. I’m kind enough to let you still see the kids, that’s all you’re getting from me. Point blank Periodt.

I walk away

Quinton: (Yells) Nandi !!! (Voice breaking) NANDI !!!!

I get inside the car and it drives away.

Me: (wipes tears) please take me home.


Richard: Bro…
Me: (cries)

He helps him up. He was crying.

Njabulo: (whispers) oh NO.

I look at her and she walks towards Quinton who is crying so much.

Gia: (wipes tears) Fuck…

Mom goes to Q and hugs him. Dad also goes to him and they hug him. Everyone joins along and we group hug.

Quinton: I wanted to protect her. (cries) I’ve lost her forever.
Dad: Calm down Boy. Calm down.

I look at dad and he also looks crushed by this.

...: baba…

We all move and sbahle walks towards his dad.

Sbahle: Khalelani (why are you crying)
Quinton: (sniffs) I lost your mom son. I failed you my boy.
Ma: (cries)

Dad hugs Mom.

Quinton: I failed you and the twins. (Sobbing)

Sbahle hugs his Dad and wipes his tears.

Sbahle: I love you Baba.
Quinton: (smiles) I love you too son.

They hug. He gets up and walks away.

Wendy: is she really gone.
Dad: Soulmates Don’t Separate.



I arrive home. I get in and my mom and Gogo look at me

Mom: (smiles) how did it…
Me: (Cries)

I run upstairs, getting inside my room and crying. My mom enters

Mom: what’s wrong ??
Me: (cries)
Mom: Nandi… AWANDE !!!

I continue crying. She gets up and leaves me alone


I go downstairs

Gogo: yini ??
Me: ma ?? Angazi.

I grab my phone and call Quinton


He answers before I hang up.

Me: hello, Q…
…: hi ma, it’s not Quinton, it’s Andrè.
Me: hey son, please give Quinton the phone
Andrè: ma, (sighs) I can’t. Quinton locked himself in his room.

Me and Gogo look at one another

Gogo: haww.
Me: but… what happened ngoba uNandi got home crying and she won’t talk.
Andrè: (sighs) Ma, they got into an argument and… it was bad.
Gogo: Kwenzakaleni (what’s happened) ?
Andrè: …

He tells us everything that happened, what was said by both of them.

Me: ohh my Goodness.
Andrè: it’s bad Ma. Kwa Manje, Quinton has locked himself in the Kids nursery.
Me: haibo, check on him.
Andrè: don’t worry, they are alright. There is a Baby Cam in their room and he is talking to them. There is a lot of playing and Laughing going on.
Me: (sighs) oh nkosi’yami, okay ke Nana, please check on him neh.
Andrè: we will ma, I’ll call and check on your side later
Me: okay son, Bye.
Andrè: bye. Greet uBaba no Gogo.
Gogo: sawbona sthandwa sami.
Andrè: (chuckles) unjani baby ?
Njabulo: uban loyo ??

We all laugh

Njabulo: (laughs) hi Ma.
Me: hi baby.
Gogo: yi ndoda yami le.
Njabulo: yebo ma (chuckles)
Me: bye bye ke. (Laughing)
Njabulo: bye ma.

I hang up.

Me: (sighs) yho ma.
Gogo: (Walks away) Kuzo’lunga. Ngizoy’Lungisa

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