big bad little boys

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y/n is getting  ready for her first day of school. she wonders what to wear, as she wonders "maybe there's cute boys who knows, i should be prepared" so she picks out her black gothic thong her booty shorts and cute shirt, she does her makeup and just like that y/n is out the door. with her metallica blasting in her headphones she drives to school... where bullying is awaited. she gets out of the car and immediately Hunter walks up to her with his gang, and they start picking on her. she rolls her eyes and walks away. "god hunter and his dumb friends won't leave me alone, what do they want from me?!?" she texts her best friend, lexi. "hey! just got your text, you're right theyre extremely obnoxious." lexi says as she approaches y/n. they walk to their lockers and put their stuff away, but just as y/n and lexi are about to leave, hunter takes a bottle of orange juice and splashed it all over y/ns outfit. "are you serious hunter! ugh jesus you are SO annoying!" she screams in his face. she runs to the bathroom to
clean up, leaving lexi and hunter alone in the hall. lexi walks into the bathroom to find y/n crying, makeup running down her face. "he just can't get enough! every time i think i get away from him i can't, i cant escape it!" y/n shouts as she's wiping smudged mascara off her cheeks. "yea but he handed me this..." lexi says as she hands y/n a small yellow sticky note. "meet me in the closet, 10:30- hunter" the note read. 10:29 comes around, eagerly, y/n raises her hand and shouts "can i please go to the bathrooms!" she walks down the hallway and slips into the nearest closet. she goes on snapchat and texts hunter "i'm here idiot what do you want." i want you hunter says. uh what do you mean? i say un a shy voice you know what i mean he says as he leans in to kiss me. his lips.... so soft and taste like cherries. the whole time one thought is going through my head, why is someone so mean be so SEXY? as we're making out with hot breath he says so do you still think i'm annoying..." i reply you won't be if you can do something for me. he shushes me and slams me in the wall and whispers in my ear gently... i just can't get enough of you. he takes his shirt off and presses his chest against my boobs and runs his hands down my hourglass waist. i skip my shirt off and bite his neck, he moans loudly i tell him to shush as i put my hands in his pants. i think he can tell i was shocked because how wide my eyes got. i unbuttoned his waist pants and got to stroking. he kept making comments like "oh that's good" "that feels great" and shoving my head to where i couldn't breath i practically went purple. finally he spared me and pulled me up as i went up he kissed my neck and chest he pulled me up with his hands on my thighs. as soon as he slipped it in i gasped. shhh he said and put his hand over my mouth as i moan loudly he says "shhh love i'll be gentle" spoiler: he wasn't he went so hard and right before cumming choked me while holding me against the wall so hard it left a hand mark. he said he wanted to taste me so i layed down on the table in the closet and he licked my clit and squeezed my thighs. when i finally came we smoked a cigarette cuddled on the table and lidstened to music as we layed there talking about how good that was. we got dressed and as he was putting in his pants he pulled out a knife "y/n would it be weird if i asked you to carve your initials on my back?" absolutely not i said i then took the knife and looked at his back biceps. oh how they twitched as i carved when i was done i kissed his cuts. he looked at me and kissed me one last time before i went to class

y/n and hunter Where stories live. Discover now