4. A terrible discovery

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The relationship between Kiros and Janell became intense, they were more and more in love with each other. One evening, Kiros took Janell to visit the most beautiful parts of the Bayou to be alone with her. At one point, he picked up a flower, handed it to her and said: "My dear, being with you is the best thing that has ever happened to me so far! I love you, Janell. And I'll do everything to always make you happy!". Janell took the flower, then looked at Kiros, smiled and kissed him. "Thanks, I love you too! And I would love to one day if we could get married like James and Eudora and live happily ever after!". Hearing these words, Kiros agitated for a second. He still hadn't thought of asking her to marry him, he didn't feel like it, not with the plans he had in mind about getting rich and controlling the city. He still didn't know how to having Janell and realize her dream at the same time. He tried not to show her concern, kissed her and said: "Someday soon, you and I will live happily and our wishes will be fulfilled". In reality he was just trying to take his time telling her these words, until he told her the truth, but he still didn't feel like doing it, he cared too much about Janell and didn't want to lose her. He hugged her and kissed her more passionately, he was about to take off her dress, but she stopped him: "What are you do? Not here in the swamp, please!", "Come on, honey! Nobody ever goes here and it's one of the safest areas of the Bayou, don't worry!", Kiros answered her. Janell was so in love that she let him do it, she trusted him blindly, and they ended up having their first sexual intercourse there, on one of the banks of the Bayou, with the light of the fireflies dancing on the river.

Then, they remained lying next to each other, exchanging a kiss every now and then and observing the starry sky. At one point, Janell said to him: "Do you know that your name is very special? I had never heard of it before", "You're right, however I read in a book that Kiros means 'king'. Who knows, maybe it's my destiny!", Kiros laughed, even though inside him he had always thought that it was really like that, that that name had been given to him because he was destined to become someone. "Maybe your parents are really royals people, who knows", Janell said jokingly, "Why don't you tell me about them? Sooner or later you will have to introduce them to me". Kiros sighed: "Unfortunately I am an orphan, I have never met my real parents. I grew up here in the Bayou", "Really? Why haven't you ever told me so far?", "I was afraid that you would judge me and that you didn't want to have anything to do with an orphan like me", "What are you saying? I don't care where you come from or if you have parents or not, I love you for who you are and you know it!", "I know, dear. But you can trie to understand me. Since I was little, apart from James, I have only known bad people who, in addition to making fun of me and judging me, they did nothing else. Only James and Mama Odie have shown me affection so far, before you came into my life", "Mama Odie? This name is not new to me", "She is the woman who raised me, she is like a mother to me. So far she has told me that my parents entrusted me to her as soon as I was born because they were looking for a new home and were looking for someone to look after me until they found it, but they never returned and Mama Odie doesn't want to tell me why. I know she knows, she says she doesn't know and she tells me not to worry, but it's not true, she knows something and I'll find out!", "Okay, Kiros, now calm down!", Janell tried to calm him down, "Maybe she doesn't really know, or if she doesn't want to tell you the whole truth she does it to protect you because she loves you", "For some years I have begun to think that my parents are really rich and important people, if not why would they have given me this name with this meaning? But why did they dump me here in the Bayou? To live good life without me? If so, I HATE THEM!", "Kiros, in short! Do you want to calm down? You can't know, so there's no point in hating someone for no reason! When you come back to Mama Odie, ask her if she can finally tell you about your parents, so you can put your heart in peace as soon as you know the truth!", "You're right, I'm sorry", Kiros said, "Indeed, why would they abandoned me for this reason? If they gave me this name, they wanted me to become someone really important. Maybe something has happened to them. I have to know ". That said, he started to get up, but then noticed something stuck to a nearby bush. He walked over and saw a piece of cloth wedged in the leaves. He took it, examined it well and tried to understand how it had ended up there. It wasn't yet another victim of an alligator, no, there were no remains or signs of blood. She had beautiful colors, green and red. Who could she belong to? He turned it over and saw that something was written on it. He read the phrase 'I promise you, Antoine. Our son will live as you asked me. I will be strong until the end. I love you – Aisha'. After reading, he froze. A woman named Aisha had passed in this place by leaving this message, but when could this have happened? The Bayou knew him well by now and nothing happened that he hadn't known for as long as he could remember, it must have happened a long time ago. Suddenly he was assailed by a huge doubt. This woman who leaves this message promising to save the child, no one ever knew anything about her and Kiros knew nothing about her parents. Could that woman be...? He dropped the fabric to the ground and put his hands in his hair. He began to sweat cold. "Kiros, what have you got? Are you sick?", Janell was worried. Kiros didn't answer her, dressed quickly, picked up the piece of cloth and ran off, leaving Janell alone.

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