Chapter One

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about you: Your name is Y/n L/n, you're fourteen years old, and you got the part of Zoe in The Black Phone 2!

I walked into the lobby of my hotel. This is where I would be meeting my cast for the first time. I was nervous. What if they didn't like me? What if they leave me out or exclude me because I'm newer than everyone else? But, I sucked it up and walked through the doors. The inside of the hotel lobby was beautiful. This was a five star hotel, after all. Everything seemed so fancy. I couldn't believe that I would be staying here for the next two years. There weren't many people in the lobby, a family checking out, people working there, a couple checking in. I looked over at the other side of the lobby. It shouldn't be surprising seeing Tristan Pravong and Madeleine McGraw sitting there, because they're my cast members. But it still felt so surreal to me. They were famous after all. I finally got the courage to go up to them and say hi, introduce myself. "Hi, I'm Y/n, I'm going to be working with you guys on the movie. I'm playing Zoe." I said. Their faces immediately light up. Tristan says, "Oh my god, cool! So nice to finally meet you!" "We're gonna have so much fun!" Maddy smiles. Okay, maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. They seem like nice people. You sit down with them and you guys start talking.

You tell them about yourself, where you're from, how you got the part, everything about you. You guys grow closer by every word you say. Soon enough, Banks Repeta, Jordan Isaiah White, Becca Clarke, Spencer Fitzgerald, Brady Hepner, Jacob Moran, and Brady Ryan walk in. "Oh hey guys what's up? This is Y/n by the way, she's playing Zoe in the movie." Everybody introduces themselves, and start talking to you. You explain everything about yourself, like you did with Tristan and Maddy. After a while Jordan says, "Wait why are we sitting here?" Maddy replies, "Many reasons. Our room isn't done yet, the person that's watching after us isn't here, and Mason and Miguel haven't arrived yet." Oh shit. Miguel. I completely forgot. 

When the first movie came out, I fell head over heels in love with Miguel. I was kind of, well, obsessed with him. When I realized that I would never meet him, let alone date him, I forgot all about being obsessed with him. But now, I would not only be meeting him, but talking with him, working with him, and actually becoming friends with him. I didn't realize that I had zoned out until- "Hello???? Y/n???"

I looked up. "Sorry, what?" Brady said, "I was just gonna ask you how you feel about Miguel. Mostly every girl is kind of like, in love with him or something." Dammit. Okay, lie about it. "Oh um, I don't know, I mean I haven't met him, so I can't really judge him based off his looks." Tristan shakes his head and goes, "I don't know how people can't see his beauty. Bro is majestical." Jacob turns to him and says, "Tristan stop it. The only person you can be gay to is Brady. And I already draw the line at that." Everybody starts laughing. Afterwards, Brady says, "Oh, Y/n, give me your Snap and Number, let me add you to the group chats." I gave him my number, and soon enough my phone was blowing up with text messages from the whole cast. 

We continued talking for another hour, when all of a sudden Jordan turns to the door and goes, "Mason! Miguel!" Everybody turns to look at the door as well. And there I saw him. Walking in behind Mason. Miguel Cazarez Mora. The boy I had a crush on for AGES. He looked at everyone and then at me. Tristan noticed and said, "Oh guys, this is Y/n! She's literally my new best friend now, so be nice to her or else I will kill you." Maddy pushes him away and says, "Shut up Tristan, she's mine." Soon enough everyone is fighting over who you're best friends with. Mason walks up to you first and goes, "Nice to meet you, Y/n, I'm excited to be working with you!" I smiled. Oh shit. He's walking up to me. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Play it cool!!!! "Hey, Y/n. Nice to meet you, I'm Miguel!" He said with a smile. I said, "Hey Miguel, nice to meet you too." I smiled back at him.

We got up to our hotel room. Let's just say, it was HUGE. There was a whole ass kitchen, living room with a big TV and a pool table, a room for the girls (Maddy, Becca and I), and a room for the boys. We all started to unpack. In the middle of unpacking I checked my phone, and my mom had texted me if I had a safe flight. I quickly responded to her and continued unpacking my things. When I had finished, Becca said, "Oh, Y/n, Maddy, the boys told us to get ready because we're going out to dinner." "Okay." Maddy said. "Alright." I replied. 

When me, Maddy and Becca got dressed and ready, we went out to the living room to wait for the boys, but they were already there. "Ugh, finally. You guys took so long to get ready." Banks said. We ignored him and went out to the restaurant. When we got there it wasn't that late, around seven PM. We got our food, and we started eating. Everybody was laughing and making jokes the whole time. Being with these people felt like home. But I couldn't help but notice that I felt someone watching me. I looked over at Miguel and realized that he had been staring at me. He quickly looked away and acted like nothing ever happened. Although, he did look a little embarrassed.

When we got back to the hotel, Maddy, Becca and I got changed into pajamas and went to go hang out in the living room, where the boys were. "Oh hey, we were about to watch a movie. You guys want to join?" Mason asked us. We agreed and sat down. "What movie are we watching anyway?" Maddy asked. "Spiderman No Way Home" Spencer replied. We all sat in silence as the movie played. Everyone was so invested in it, I think Brady may or may not have started crying at one point in the movie.

After the movie ended, everyone says good night to the others and goes to their individual rooms. I got into my bed and started scrolling on TikTok. After five minutes Becca said, "So, Y/n. You and Miguel?" I looked up from my phone quickly. I could not believe the words that had just come out of her mouth. I sat there in shock for a solid thirty seconds. I finally said, "What??" Maddy rolled her eyes and said, "Oh come on, don't act so surprised, Y/n. Everyone knows that you have the hots for each other." I couldn't believe we were talking about this right now. I said quickly, "No. Absolutely not." "Girl, don't even try to lie" Becca said while holding in laughter. "We saw you guys staring at each other and blushing or whatever." I shot back, "I was NOT blushing." Maddy looks away and quietly goes, "Miguel sure was." and bursts out laughing. I threw a pillow at her. "Oh come on. You guys would be such a cute couple." Becca says. I laughed. "Yeah. Right." "What you don't think that he's cute at ALL?" Maddy asks. "Nope." I said while hiding a smile. Becca stared at me for a minute and finally mumbled, "Okay. If you say so...." A minute passes. "We're still gonna try and set you guys up." Maddy said really fast. I threw another pillow at her and we all started laughing. I finally said, "Please don't, I barely even know him. We met literally today." Maddy and Becca exchange looks. "Okay." "Alright." They both say while trying to hold in laughter.

I shook my head, smiling and turning back to my phone. Finally at around twelve at night Maddy and Becca were both asleep, so I decided to turn my phone off and try to go to bed. But I couldn't help thinking of Miguel and I.

miguel cazarez mora x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now