Leave Her Alone

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You arrived home with mascara running down your face rushing past your mom in the kitchen to avoid any and all questions. You saw her face in the corner of your eye, she looked worried but decided to stay out of your business. Opening your door and slamming it shut then jumping on the bed to cry your eyes out. Your white sweater is clean and you didn't want to ruin it so you toss it on the floor and just lay in bed crying in a bra and skirt. After what felt like 3 hours you feel yourself falling asleep so you decide to get up and put on your pajamas. Sliding on a white crop top and red plaid pajama pants you lay back down on your back and think about everything that went on today. *Why would Bruce do this to me?* *Why did that vance boy defend me if he hates me so much?* *What did i do wrong?* *Am i a bad person?* *How do i fix this?* Many questions crossed your mind but only one was sticking out *Why did that vance boy defend me if he hates me so much?* it kept replaying in your head. Vance was a scary kid but when he defended you, you felt safe by him until he insulted you of course. You thought you guys were having a moment, a moment to become great friends. *Whatever* you said in your head *I need to go to bed* it is currently 11 pm and you lost your appetite ever since you saw Bruce kissing Karen in the alleyway. You close your eyes and drift off into a deep sleep. Dreaming of a beautiful boy with long curly blonde hair ~BEEP BEEP BEEP~ the alarm on your nightstand screeches. Making you jolt up from you bed *Ew no i did not just dream of vance... whatever his last name is* you get grossed out by your dream. It's 6:00 in the morning and you look like a mess. "Bruce is gonna regret ever messing with me" you say out loud to yourself. You look for the hottest outfit you can wear to school to make Bruce regret everything. "Ah-Ha" you whisper grabbing a white disco dress with white knee high boots

you wore it to your best friend Donna's skating party last year and haven't worn it since

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you wore it to your best friend Donna's skating party last year and haven't worn it since. You slide into it and go over to your mirror the put on a natural makeup look. You can't believe how pretty you feel even after what your ex did to you. The biggest smile you could ever imagine stretches on your face. You walk down stairs and right out the door because your  mom has work. Smiling walking outside across the street you see the back of someone's familiar head walk outside being yelled at by what looks like their dad. *Is that...Vance* you continue walking but you don't take your eyes off of him. He finally turns around to reveal himself. Yep it's Vance. He looks up at you, you quickly turn your head and walk faster not wanting to deal with him today. "If it isn't Y/n Springs" you hear an annoying voice right behind you. Turning around to see Vance's eyes looking into yours. A heatwave rushes down your body making you feel really hot. You never realized how pretty he actually was. "Yeah so, what do you want Vance" you roll your eyes and turn around when all of a sudden a hand grabs your arm turning you back around towards him. "Let me walk with you" he smirks. "No way, especially not after how you've treated me" you say in a sad angry voice hoping he'd take a hint. "I'm walking with you anyways" he puts his arm around your shoulder. "Can you get off!" you try to push his arm off but he wasn't letting go. "Oh come on we're almost to school anyways, and besides if you really wanna make that boyfriend of yours jealous you should walk in with another boy" he says. It sounded like a good idea but with Vance! Anyone but him. "First of all EX boyfriend , and second of all, what makes you think i'm trying to make Bruce jealous?" the sassyness in your voice comes out. "b'cuz of what your wearing" he laughs a little too hard. "Okay...so...it's ugly?" you say worried and concerned. "No it's just you'd never wear that" he calms down his laughter. "So i'm pretty?" you say smirking like you got him trapped. He rolls his eyes pushing you gently to the side. You both giggle as you arrive to the school. "What's your last name Vance?" "Hopper" he says quickly "Well Vance Hopper, your not that bad of a person if you actually try to be nice" you say smiling looking up at him. He looks down at you as you guys approach the school doors "yeah" he says soft and slow putting his arm back around you. When you guys walk in laughing at something funny vance said about Bruce, you catch everyone's eyes on you guys. You hate public attention so your face is turning pink. Tapping on Vance's shoulder he leans down to hear you "why is everyone looking at us" you whisper shakily in his ear. "b'cuz" he starts "we look hot together, and their jealous" he chuckles and looks at your face to see your almost the color pink. You laugh a little too. "Can i ask you a question?" you say "only if i can ask one back" he replies. You laugh "okay haha" he smiles at you, and you guys sit on a bench in the hallway. "I hope this doesn't ruin us having a nice time but....why were you so mean when we first met" you nervously smile hoping he doesn't get mad or storm off. "eh i dunno" he says "i was just bored i guess" he shrugs his shoulders. "My turn to ask you a question" he sits up straight. "okay" you say a little scared but smiling. "Why di-" he started but got cut off by this agitating voice. "Well isn't this a nice surprise" you both look over to see your ex Bruce. "What a slutty move" he says laughing and Karen laughs along too. Your heart sinks, your face starts to turn red, and your lip starts to quiver. "Already moved on after we just broke up yesterday" he shakes his head laughing harder. You look over at vance who looks angry and you see his fists balling up. "What a whore" Karen adds on to Bruce's sentence. Other people started to join in laughing at you with them. Tears start dripping from your eyes. Vance looks over to see you crying. you put your face into your hands and closed your eyes. After a couple of seconds you hear a ~crack~ ~gasps~ "OH MY GOD" you heard a girl scream. you look up to see Vance standing above Bruce laying on the floor with a bloody nose. "Thought you learned your lesson last time Yamada, LEAVE. HER. ALONE" Vance grabs your arm and walks off with you. He brings you into the boys restroom and puts you on the counter by the sink. "Vance you didn't have to do that" you sniffle and he hands you a wet towel to wipe some runny mascara off your face. "Yes i did" he says looking down "We are friends now, and nobody treats any of my friends like that" you laugh "I bet i look like a hot mess" you both giggle. After a couple of minutes you guys walk out and head to first period talking about what you guys wanna do after school. You've just made a friend! The greatest friend you could ever ask for.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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