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It all began when a goddess name Kama was bored after the events and spending time with her allies and master but lately she feel like she's missing something. Something that she wanted the most love.

Pov Kama

Kama: I wish I could finally find someone that will love me like sure I do like my master but not in a relationship type I see him as a friend not as a lover even if I do try he already like someone else

Kama sigh as a bright light appears in her room she close her eyes as someone appears in her room.

Unknown person: hello there Kama.

Kama open her eyes and see a young man that look like he's somewhere around 18

Kama: who are you I never seen you before.

Unknown: oops sorry I forgot to introduce myself I go by many names but you may call me payday.

Unknown: oops sorry I forgot to introduce myself I go by many names but you may call me payday

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Kama: weird name but why are you here.

Payday: well I heard your prayer that you wanted to be loved so I came hear to give you a deal I can help you find a person to love you but I need a favor from you.

Kama:oh really what is it?

Payday: well you see I want you to go to this dimension there's this one human who I actually see it as my nephew but I'm always busy helping out with other worlds so basically I'm asking you this can you watch over him for me please I really care about him.

Kama: what's The boy's name?

Payday: his name is Izuku midoriya here I'll show you what he looks like.

Payday projects a picture of what izuku looks like

Payday: I'm not forcing you to do that but if you want to let me know now it's a one-way trip.

Kama: okay I'll do it but can I is there anything I need to worry about before I go to this world that you're sending me to.

Payday thinks

Payday: no not really I think you could beat all of those Mortals like it's no problem in my honest opinion but I'm only going to repeat this once if you hurt him mentally or physically (a yandere smile) I will make sure to hunt you down and make sure to have your head over my wall!!

She starts to freak out because the overwhelmed power that she felt

Kama: I will never hurt him anyway at all

Payday starts to calm down and become happy like nothing never happened

Payday: oh good I thought I had to kill you for a moment but I digress and don't worry about getting a house because I already got that part covered.

Kama sweat drops about what just happened

Kama: well besides that just happened can gave me a couple of minutes to say goodbye to my allies and master.

Payday: sure take as much time as you need make sure to go tell your master first okay.

Kama: okay.

Pov Kama over.

Kama left her room to go tell her Master about what happened and to her surprise her master was okay about this like sure he was a bit confused but he was okay about this

Ritsuka: it's all right if you want to go honestly I didn't believe you at first but I did felt a lot of blood loss for a couple of seconds.

Kama: oh really?

Ritsuka: yep can you ask him to have a device or something that way we can contact you just in case if something bad happens even though you are powerful on your own.

Kama: thanks for the comment but yes I should be fine on this trip

Kama was about to leave from her master's room the main room but she stopped for a moment

Kama: master I have one more thing to say before I go.

Ritsuka: what is it?

Kama: when are you going to confess your feelings to mashu

Ritsuka blush as he's super confused

Ritsuka: h h how did you know about that

Kama: honestly it was pretty easy like seriously you been staring at her a lot if I was you, you should confess your feelings to her right now before something bad happens

Ritsuka: okay I will and I hope for you to find someone you will love and he will love you back

Kama: I hope so too

Kama leaves out of her master room and head straight to her room and sees Payday sitting on a chair thinking about something and blushing like crazy

Kama: hey you okay look like you're blushing your life you just saw your crush or something.

Payday: you can say, so have you say goodbye to everyone

Kama: yes I am, ready to head out.

Payday: sure just let me activate the portal

Payday gets up from the chair and open his palm as a purple portal opens up

Payday gets up from the chair and open his palm as a purple portal opens up

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( only the portal that's it)

Payday: well lady's first

Kama: thank you

Kama go through the portal first and then after payday and everything goes to Black

Thank you for reading this chapter this is the first story I have ever done so I'm a little nervous but I want to thank some people that gave me the courage to do this cuz honestly I was going to step down from doing this story
I want to shout out to loli_bell Nero-M-Walker Gandustry and everyone I have befriend on wattpad and sorry if this chapter is short have a nice day and comment if you like this story. Oops and I forgot to add Shotabell

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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