2: [m]

183 19 10

18+ MATURE CONTENT: small sexual scene

"Are you kidding me? This is a horrible decision, Soo. Nothing good comes out of allowing yourself to be near the Kim brothers."

"Your best friend is Jin."

"Exactly, which is why you should listen to me. Convince him to stay with Jimin and Jungkook. They can't be as bad as he's making them sound."

Sooyoung sighed, facing Irene. There were so many questions she wanted to ask her older friend. The most important being why she had such a strong, negative, reaction to her helping their friend. The other prying question she wanted to ask had to do with Taehyung's older brother that had recently gotten engaged.

Irene may have thought she had been subtle, but she thought her to be anything but. The moment their engagement had been announced, Irene kept her distance from Jin. She never mentioned him, when they spent more time together than anyone else before his engagement — maybe even when he had begun his new relationship. She never mentions his fiancé Jisoo, either. She acted as if Jin was a thing of the past and not in her life anymore. Sooyoung desperately wanted to know, but she respected Irene's privacy.

"Jimin stole the pictorial from Hwan's new magazine spread because they stole our concept. That only happened because while clubbing he met this woman, he took home and slept with. She happened to be a worker from Hwan. I think they're as bad as Taehyung thinks they are. You don't understand the headache I had to deal with, yesterday."

"I thought you had a headache now because you drank with Tae yesterday."

"I meant at work!" she hissed as Irene chuckled.

"How did that go? The drinking? Did he open up? I heard in passing from..."

"Jin?" she looked towards Irene with a teasing look as her friend flushed.

"I didn't stop talking to him, not when he kept bothering me and leaving voicemails that I was the only person he could go to about this. Everyone makes it seem as if I don't talk to him anymore. We talk. We're just — busy — yeah, that's the word..."

Irene was speaking in circles, more to herself than anything else. Blabbering whatever she could and playing with the hem of her shirt. In all honesty, Sooyoung had stopped paying attention to what she was saying and picked up on the small smile that played in the corner of her mouth as she spoke about Jin. Every utter of his name made the elder's eyes twinkle and lips turn up with a hidden secret — a secret Sooyoung clued in on.

"Oh god," she exclaimed, making Irene stop talking and eyes widening, startled by her, "you love him. No wonder you kept your distance the moment he started dating, even more, when he got engaged. You're in love with Jin."

"I – what? No, I'm not!"

Irene proclaimed; eyes big in fear of being found out. She avoided making eye contact and fanned her face as if she was shocked by such a pure and ridiculous assumption. Her actions only reaffirmed what she noticed.

"How did I miss it? How long have you been in love with him?" she ignored Irene's pathetic attempts at moving the conversation along, away from her.

"We're not talking about Jin," Irene answered sternly. "We're talking about Taehyung and how he refused to tell anyone why he's divorcing Hani. Did he tell you? Did you know he's the one that filed the divorce papers? It was months ago. I guess it took this long to have Hani sign the papers because the process started recently. We're not talking about how I've always been in love with Jin."

"You what?!"

"Sooyoung, please not now. We're focusing on Taehyung."

"Fine," she resigned, slouching a bit because this news about Irene and Jin held more excitement than she'd have in months. "Taehyung didn't say much. He was quiet and the more we drank the quieter he got. You know how he is; he gets whiny and wants comfort."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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