Chapter 1- What's up?

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Eve is sat on a bench, beside the river bank. She's cold and dripping. Tears prick one by one from her eyes as she silently cries. She just stares, deeply looking into the same red spot of water on the River Thames as she has been doing since she got out.

"Ah, there you are, I thought I'd lost you for a second." The familiar voice finds Eve but she continues to stare into the water.

"Hu," she shivers, quietly.

"Well, no need to worry about Villanelle anymore." Eve's brows furrow as she slowly turns her head to the left. She looks down to the walkie-talkie in Carolyn's hand, brows arching further.

"It-" Eve storms up. "It was you!"

"Well, yes. I assume so," Carolyn's sarcastic smirk spikes a nerve in Eve.

"I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YO-" she's cut off by a sharp point to the left of her lower abdomen.

"Let's make a deal, shall we?" Carolyn smiles. "If you manage to keep your temper under control, I won't alert the authorities about yours and Villanelle's fun, little killing malarkey." Confusion grows amongst Eve. "Oh, yes-" Carolyn laughs. "I almost forgot"
Carolyn switches the knife from her right to her left hand, keeping it positioned on Eve's stomach.

She reaches into her pocket, pulling out her phone. It dangles in front of Eve's face, like a carrot, as she scrolls through one picture at a time. Each image shows a bloody canvas of Villanelle slaughtering each member of the Twelve, well, almost each member. It makes Eve smile before it's ripped away, being placed back into Carolyn's pocket.

"That was a bit silly, wasn't it? Not checking for CCTV. You really thought your romantic little speech would cover it? I always thought you were smarter than that, Eve."

Rage rakes her body. She takes a large inhale, scrunching her lips. She doesn't give two shits that there's a knife plastered against her midriff. She throws out both of her hands, squeezing them tight around Carolyn's neck.

"I wouldn't suggest doing that Eve," her audio is muffled, breaths broken. Eve feels the knife seep further. If it moves a millimetre more, it's fateful.

She quickly considers the pros and cons of the situation. She can strangle Carolyn to death, watching her face plant the ground. But with the possibility of a knife entering her body before she reaches that point or she could just simply let her go with no injuries. But would it be that bad if Eve died? She has no one; no home, no job, no Villanelle.

After weighing it all up, she decides it's more than worth it to die if Carolyn gets to feel some sort of pain. So she tightens the grip around her neck. She's waiting and waiting and waiting. No knife yet so she strengthens her grip. Still, no knife so she figures she might get away with killing her. She knows Carolyn isn't capable of actually killing someone herself. She would always get someone else to do the dirty work but Eve is very capable of killing someone. Carolyn's face begins to turn that bruised purple that Eve has desired.

Suddenly, she feels a sharp pain cut through a layer of skin. Her head points down as blood trickles from the small wound.

"Glad you've come to your senses," Carolyn breathes heavy. Her hands meet her knees as sliver strings from her lip. "So, do we have a deal?" Eve doesn't know what to say.

She wants to kill Carolyn, even maybe torcher her for a while. It's the only reason to live she has left. She would be doing it for Villanelle who wouldn't even be there to witness it. But she doesn't know if she can do it alone. If the plan fails, that could be it for Eve. Locked away, God knows where with God knows who.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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