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Hey guys! Let's get straight into the chapter, cuz I don't know what to put here;-;

In the Land of the Dead...

I woke up after another restless night. What time was it? Have I grown a beard like Master Wu? Nah, no one can grow a beard in a fashioned way like that dude. But on a more serious note, had I aged?


I calmed myself down- now was not the time to worry about looks. I stifled an ugly laugh as I looked at myself in the oasis- still a skull...or rather...


My face was scarred- damn, I looked like a hot mc from an action movie- and my hair had grown a mullet along the back of my neck. I used some rope I had found earlier to tie it up because it was so long.

"Uhh...helloo? Anyone out there? ANYONE?!", my voice echoed and I could feel the letters floating off of my tongue and drifting into thin air.

Suddenly, as if the universe was on my side, a jeep revved and the screeching of brakes disturbed the atmosphere.
"?", I looked blankly.
"Oh don't be so suprised, you're the one who caused this farted mess", a girl with bronze skin and curly rich brown hair jumped off the jeep.

"Look ma'am, I ain't playing clean up crew for a "farted mess" that has nothing to do with me-", I began, talking in my most snappish manner. 
Usually that works...except on this woman...she seemed immune to my sass.

"Then what about the black blood?", she asked, raising an eyebrow at a perfect arch. 
"Oh really? A sudden spike in murders, a plague making its comeback after over a century, and mysterious beasts invading your blessed realm and YOU blame ME for this? A guy who has never even vistited this realm?", I said my eyes widening and jaw hurting.
"For someone who claims he has nothing to do with the black blood, you sure do know a lot about it...", the girl said, sharpening a knife.

God, she gave me Harumi vibes. 

"Look okay, doctors know a ton about diseases but they ain't the ones that go killing around people", I grimaced.
"BAHAHAHA, you sure do know how to talk back to your elders", the girl laughed holding her thin, turned up nose up in the air. 
"...I'm leaving now", I said, clenching my fists and turning away from her.
"Do you even know your way around, new kid?", she said, triling her knife.
"Argh, NO!", I fumed at her.
"Then hop on in...Rayla's been waiting for you", she smirked.

"YOU COULD'VE SAID THAT SOONER!", I blushed furiously, with both embarassment and something else.
"She said you're the closest thing you ever had to a friend".
"Y-yeaahh... haha", I laughed nervously. I wasn't even a friend? I THOUGHT WE WERE MORE THAN FRIENDS?!

I pushed that thought to the corners of my brain where all the thoughts that I have procrastinated since 2016 are miserably dwelling.
In the jeep, I sat beside the girl- who I realized I didn't know her name though we've been bickering like siblings. 
"Bro shush, I like to drive in quiet", she said.
"You know-"
"What part of 'quiet' did you not get, weirdo?"
"That's my line"
"Still my line, just keep it down will ya?"

We both looked at each other in pure disgust and savageness.
"Look curly haired kid, I just wanted to know your name..."
"My name?", she said a horrified look crossing her eyes.
"Yeah...", I said confused.
"It's E-Eifa", she said, shaking.
"Uhh, you okay...Eifa?", I asked her.
"N-no! Just swear that if we ever bump into your sensei, you don't use my name!", she said, pulling out her knife and keeping it dangerously close to my neck. 
"Master Wu? You know him-"
"SHUT UP! I swear to god, just commit already!"
"Wait...on one condition!", I smirked at her.

"...Go on", she said, narrowing her eyes. 
"If we do bump into him...then can I call you any name I want?", I said, a mischievous smile playing on my lips. Eifa was hesitant at first, and her eyes darted left and right like a gif, but in the end she responed: "...Sure".
"Even ##########?"
"BRO NO!", she said, pulling back from me with an appalled look on her face.
"Bahahaha- now, then- can this stupid piece of junk go any fasstttee- AAAHHHHH!"

My seat just shot up into the air with a spring attatched to it. 
"I TAKE THAT BACK! I TAKE THAT BACKKKKK!", I screamed at the top of my lungs.
"Don't you dare ever call my girl a piece of junk, ya hear me, hurricane?", Eifa said driving faster than flash could run.

Meanwhile, I felt like my head could get ripped off from my body.

Meanwhile, in our unlucky city of Ninjago...

Lloyd's POV

Wu was gone. Harumi was with us. My team and Pix are all gatered in the Sam X cave hatching a plan. So far, we've had no luck:

Jay munches on a packet of cheese and onion curls.
Cole's busy doing bottle flips while throwing in some useless ideas every minute or so.
Nya's just there- twirling a small swig of water around her finger.
Kai's posting a selfie on is Ninstagram (you can cringe at the name, I have done so too) every single second.
Zane and Pixal are the sensible ones here, actually looking up The Land of the Dead in Borg Tower's boundlesss archive where every detail of every realm can be found.

And Harumi you ask? She's been pacing across the shiny, speckless floor all this time, biting her green nails.
"Why was Morro so fixated on going to the Land of the Dead?"
"...He sad he's always wanted to go there. Even back when we first met...he would murmur in his sleep about someone called Elfie who would live in that realm".
"I see...well, since Master Wu's gone, I think it's best if we go after Morro".
" thought of that NOW?! About time we leave this damn hellhole!", Harumi said smashing her fist on a button.

Suddenly a voice message transmitted. All of us looked up at the screen. The voice message said:

If you want to see him again...
Come find me at the highest point in Ninjago...

Hey guys, I have a few things (well actually three) to say:

1) Season 16's fully out and well...I haven't been motivated to watch it because I lost interest in it after ep 22 (but bro Garmadon's character development is sick)

2) As I have mentioned in my conversation board, I have been HELLA busy, and am trying my best to write on wattpad ;-;

3) I found out earlier today that someone's been reposting all the chapters of this book and the previous one on this site called teenfic. I tolerate many things, but copyright infringement is too disgusting for my eyes to bare:

 I tolerate many things, but copyright infringement is too disgusting for my eyes to bare:

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

And it's not just my work: other authors' works have been reposted on there as well. If you're an author then there's a chance someone's reposting yours too- please be safe guys.

Thankyou @PowerParty101 for bringing this to many people's attention.

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