• Before Everything •

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As the sun rose into the sky, like it does every morning, the sound of hundreds of men heading for the mines, could easily be heard in our bedroom.

I looked at the bed opposite mine, where my twelve year old brother, Ash, is sleeping soundly. He can sleep through just about anything really, even the workers.

I suppose i was rather surprised. This was the reaping day, and his first one too. Last year I had dozens of nightmares that I would be chosen, in the weeks leading up to the reaping. But Ash seems unbothered, peaceful even, as he lay in his bed, his black hair poking out from the blanket.

We don't really look like siblings, our appearances are worlds apart. I don't think we could pass for cousins, let alone brother and sister.

Ash's unruly dark hair and grey eyes make him look like the Seam folk, even though we live in the richer part of District 12. Mum is a brunette, and as far as I know, Father was too. We both stick out, in our own ways.

I stick out because of the so-called 'luck' I brought to District 12. The morning after I was born, a large gold vein was found on the coal mines. It was unheard of, unnatural. Mum says I reminded Father everyday of that gold. District 12 was paid handsomely, and every single family slept with full bellies for weeks.

I inherited my father's hazel eyes, but it's my hair that brought whispers to the crowd. Strands of blonde that glistened gold in the light. There were rumours that I was an 'angel from above' or 'a star reincarnated as a human'

Stupid, stupid silly rumours. The most popular one was: I wasn't my father's daughter. It upset Father and Mum a lot, and it upset me too, being only a few years old, and the crowds whispering about me.

Mum loves me because I made Father happy, and that I had his smile. It was another thing that set me and Ash apart, I have a caring, soft smile that was once my father's, while with Ash you'd be lucky to catch so much as a smirk, as he has a permanent frown or worried look on his face.

   My outfit was ironed carefully by my mum yesterday, a cotton yellow dress, with small brown buttons. Mum had sewn it herself, apparently her sister had one just like it. Mum always took such care in her sewing and dress-making. The stitches are so small and even, yet you could use it as a tug-of-war rope but it still wouldn't rip.

I fished out clean white socks from my laundry basket, and found Ash's good shoes that he had lost a week ago. They were a bit dusty, clearly Ash never cared to polish his shoes. Father used to do it for him. They made a click-clack sound when he wore them, so you could always hear him coming.

As I tied up my hair in a somewhat elegant ponytail with a scrap yellow ribbon I took from Mum's sewing box, I glanced in a small mirror. A girl with bright eyes and a sweet smile blinked back at me.

  Pretty? I'll do I suppose. Mother never cares to compliment me, says I'll get big-headed. She's right, I guess. She just nods and goes 'You'll do.' I've heard it so much that it's now my instant thought.

  I trod down the stairs, to see Mum fixing Ash's collar. His hair was brushed down, most likely after having a brawl with Mum's hairbrush. Ash seemed to be anxious as Mum fussed around him. When he finally was freed from her grip, he sat beside me at the table.

  'You don't reckon it'll be me, do you Auryn?' he asked, biting his thumbnail. I could see the slight panic in his eyes as he looked at me, afraid. I thought for a moment before replying.

   'No. Statistically, it's more likely me than you isn't it? You're one in thousands, remember?' I replied, patting him on the back reassuringly. 'Now eat, idiot' I smiled, pushing him a piece of toast.

   He seemed comforted, as he didn't talk about it anymore, and ate his breakfast.

   After we had all finished our food, Mother took us both by the shoulder.

   'Now my loves, it's time. I wish you both luck. Auryn, take care of Ash, make sure he gets signed in properly, got it? And stay safe my babies. Afterwards, come find me and we can have lunch,' she smiled, trying to be brave, her hands shaking. I could tell she was worried she would lose us forever, like she lost.... him.

   I gave Ash's shoes that I found and gave a good polish, and gave them to him. He shoved them on his feet, rushing to get his laces done. He probably wanted to go get the Reaping over and done with.

Me and Ash held each other's hand tight as we walked. It was only my second reaping, and being in that crowd of children still terrified me. I was shaking with nerves, and I could feel Ash's sweaty palms. He was even more anxious as we walked into the town centre

   In the queue to get signed in, Ash looked so pale I thought he might pass out. He winced as he watched me get pin-pricked, and again for himself. We got signed in, all well, and I gave Ash a tight hug.

  'Good luck soldier, eh?' I whispered into his ear, before releasing him and retreating to the other thirteen year old girls.

   The Reaping area is just as bleak as last year, each child had a solemn expression, including me. I hoped it would all be over soon, so we could go home, me and Ash, and then we won't have to face the horrible reaping until next year.

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