Chapter 1

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Needletail awoke in the middle of knowhere. All she could see for miles was open trees and a few Twoleg dens. The only thing she could remember was being in StarClan.

Suddenly, a shape appeared to her and looked quite sincere. They were a blue she-cat and were very familiar.


"Hello, Needletail." the she-cat meowed. "StarClan has sent you back down for a second chance at life. Currently, you reside in the old home of the clans. It is your job to make the rest of your journey."

Needletail was in pure confusion. A second chance at life? What was she talking about?

Making my own journey. The last time I did that, THINGS DIDNT TURN OUT SO WELL!!!!

Bluestar vanished into thin air, leaving Needletail in silent thought. Why her? What good could she do for the clans now? Would they even want her.

She knew Violetshine would want to see her again, but would anyone else. Would even Alderheart accept her again?

Needletail never knew what to think of her old friend. He always seemed to be off in his own little world and never even seemed to really be friends with her. What did that say?

Needletail started to walk around, looking for signs of direction or anything else to help her. It took a while, but she finally found a cat near a Twoleg structure who looked quite old. Maybe he knew of the cats of the old days.

"Excuse me."

The Tom turned around with surprise in his eyes. She guessed this was a little startling to see another cat around.

"Who are you?" he asked. "You one of dem old clan cats?"

Thank goodness he knows them.

"Yes. I need directions if you can."

"Sure." the cat yawned. "Head out of the north and then head over the mountains. Some cats there will help you after that."

Needletail thanked him and headed off. A long journey awaited her.

The next stop she arrived at was a HUGE mountain a ways away from the old forest. It was half covered by a cloud and after a few days of travel, all she wanted was to rest.

She laid down beside a patch of grass and gasped for breath. Sleep came for her and soon she was in total darkness.

When Needletail awoke, she was surrounded by hundreds of cats. They all were covered in layers of mud and wore angered expressions.

"Who are you!" the front she-cat questioned. "More rouges" 

"No!" Needletail protested. "I'm a clan cat. I need directions to the forest."

"Clan cat!"

A tom padded up with a sympathetic look in his eyes. Something about him was familiar, but she couldn't tell what.

"We should help her." he said. "I'm sure the Teller of Pointed Stones would agree."

"Ok, Stormfur." the she-cat replied. "After all, there's another clan cat here already."

Another clan cat! That's just what I need!

The cats led her up the mountain to their home while telling their story to Needletail. Apparently, these were the Tribe cats Fallen Leaves and some of the others were from. Stormfur was also from the clans which made sense why she was familiar of him.

"So, I stay here because my mate and kits are here." he explained. "It's a nice place. Everyone gets along, Crag is a great leader, and I have family. There's no reason now to leave."

"You better not." Brook joked.

Needletail couldn't understand Brook as well as others. One minute, she was a ruthless warrior and the next she was the nicest cat ever! A lot like Alderheart.

When they stopped, she was in a large cave that was hidden by a waterfall. These cats were getting more and more interesting by the minute! 

"Hello" Crag greeted. "My name is Teller of the Pointed Stones but most people call me Crag. What can I do for you?"

"I just need directions to the clans home." Needletail explained.


She spun around in shock at the familiar voice of the call. A maroon colored tom was standing behind her in absolute amazement. It had been a long time since she'd seen him.

"Hi, Alderheart." she meowed. "How you been?"

Without a reply, he ran up and thrust his muzzle into hers. Her friend was apparently happy to see her, just a little to happy.

"What are you doing here?" he asked. "I thought you were dead."

"I was" she said. "But I'm back and that's what matters."

She gave him a playful nudge and in return he tackled her. For a friendly meeting, this didn't feel as friendly. Still, this was mostly what she was hoping for.

"Well, I'm heading back for the clans tomorrow." Alderheart said. "You want to join me?"

"Yes please!" she exclaimed. "Can we go see Violetshine first?"

"Why not." he laughed. "This is a good day."

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