Chapter One <3

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Venti glanced around Zhongli's old but lovingly furnished apartment before happily prancing into Zhongli's room, busting open his door and ignoring the man's high pitched scream.

He had been living in his own apartment up until about a month ago, when he moved into Zhongli's apartment because he couldn't afford rent. Granted, neither could Zhongli, but he had a billionaire boyfriend from the wine industry.

"Hey Morax! I was out getting wine and I got you a bottle of your favorite! Want me to po-"

"VENTI!" Zhongli shrieked, finally managing to pull the bed sheets up to cover himself and somewhat sobering Venti into realizing that Zhongli was buck naked with his boyfriend, Diluc, in between his legs sucking his dick.

"OH SHIT-" Venti snorted, running out of the room and ignoring Zhongli's screams of "YOU'RE OUT OF THE HOUSE-" and "KNOCK NEXT TIME GODDAMNIT-"

He snickered and pulled a cup out of the cabinet, taking a long drink as he thought about how he'd be saying goodbye to Zhongli and his crusty apartment and his even crustier boyfriend (Who refused to give him any free wine).

He would be moving into a college dorm just the next day, and was mildly bummed out that Zhongli was too busy fucking his boyfriend to celebrate their last day living together. Even if Zhongli never wanted to live with him in the first place, he liked to convince himself that they had a connection which totally wasn't related to them being cousins.

He sighed again, taking another sip to force the remorse away.

He was planning to major in music, both instrumental and vocal. He would essentially be a pop star of sorts, and didn't have a single doubt in his mind that he could achieve it if he wanted to, and hell, he already had a rather profitable career in music, (Under the stage name Barbatos), even if he did spend all of his savings on wine, his college funds, and fancy instruments.

When the moans from Zhongli's room started getting a little bit too loud to ignore, Venti slid off of the counter he was perched on and wobbled his way out of the door to take a walk outside. It was bitterly cold, the sky was cloudy, and the wind was freezing and almost intense enough to send Venti flying with the, well, venti. Contrary to popular belief, he actually enjoyed the cold wind, and took a deep and refreshing breath of the cold air.

And then he saw a cute Emo Kid walking down the street.

Even in his tipsy, drunken state, Venti got up and ran like his life was in danger, hiding behind a tree to catch his breath.

Why was he running away from the cute Emo Kid, you may ask?

Well, it was simple.

He had a weird fixation on the emo kid and was doing everything in his power to avoid coming into contact with him too early.

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