The Glowing Model - Binna

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Username: exo_kai_wifey

Name: Kim Binna

Nickname(s): Bin-Bin

Other name(s): Lucy Lamour (English)

Age: 29

Height: 172cm

Face claim: Choi So-ra

Backup: Jung HoYeon 


- focused, comes off as cold to others

- sarcastic

- likes to poke fun at people in a loving way, of course

- pays very close attention to details

- intelligent

- radiates confidence

- sometimes is a bit cocky

- often plays off bad situations as jokes

- can get worried easily, though she plays it off as sarcasm to deal with it


- fashion designing 

- modeling

- photography 

- various forms of coffee

- astrology

- sewing

- drawing (for her fashion designs)

Background: Binna since arriving on Earth has been getting signed to many designer brands and companies since she gives a "radiant glow" to her presence. Being on the cover of fashion magazines and runways, Binna has been living her best life as a citizen in South Korea. Though, this has not stopped her from completing her mission as she has close contact with the girls in her world. She has been able to focus on both her career on Earth and the mission to find the rest of the powers from the Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge. Being such a public figure, there are many things in her life that she keeps private; being one of the few celebrities with a social media account. She also always wears something reflective and/or so black that is absorbs the camera flashes from paparazzi, making her a hard celebrity to capture photos outside the photoshoots and runways. She does this so no one in the Red Force can locate her house. She also lives in Bordeaux, France under her alias name as the mysterious fashion designer.   

Occupation: Model/Fashion Designer

Residence: Busan, South Korea/Bordeaux, France  

Love Interest: Baekhyun 

Backup: n/a

Suggested scene(s): 

- Binna goes to Lyon when she's in Paris and late at night feels the lights in the city acting weird (she feels another person with the same powers as her in distress)

- the Red Force breaking into her apartment and attacking her

- Binna interacting with other fashion models and them being rude to her

Note to me: I am the author! I hope to see more forms in real soon!

Note to the girls: You all are the light in my life, even though I am Light ;)

Note to your love interest: You made it easy to find you! Also I hope you fixed Lyon's electrical company.

Password: Moonlight

Password: Moonlight

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