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1. Please don't reply to other roleplays if they're in the chat, you can read through them if you want just don't reply as it can mess people up or some may find it rude.

2. If you want to roleplay fill out the form first and then reply to a prompt you want to try out, if I don't reply within the next hour you may send a reply, but do notice that I get busy with other things and will try to respond as soon as possible.

3. Make sure to state what you don't like and would like to do, as this is for fun and I want you to feel comfortable, if you have triggers tell me or hint at them if you are t comfortable spelling them out! It's okay to tell me in the middle of the roleplay you don't like my reply or you think my reply is slightly triggering, I will happily rewrite it!

4. Spelling, I prefer for spelling to be as accurate as possible, and what I mean by that is if I get a reply like this
Ex; "& he said, ok,"
I won't understand it and will most likely not reply, I prefer long responses with at least 4-5 lines or more, please. If you can't do that it's fine to have at least three but just know the shorter the response the less I have to work with to reply!

5. Be respectful, I've gotten a few rude replies before in messages and it's because I haven't replied, just please, don't do this, it's not nice and it's really harmful to others.

6. Smut or fluff is fine with me.

7. Cursing, tell me if you're okay with it or want it censored, although I think they have to be censored if you're roleplaying in comments. Or if you don't want cursing at all just let me know!

8. No overpowered characters. It's unfair and can ruin the roleplay most times.

9. If a character/ OC is going to get oofed, please ask if it's okay, I've had people oof my own OC without permission and it's just odd to deal with after.

10. Don't play a character that isn't yours, it ruins roleplay and can get very tiring if you're constantly having to deal with it. Just spoils the whole thing and makes it harder to reply.

11. If a character has a certain issue like depression and so forth don't make it their whole personality, I get bringing it up every so often is alright but just every reply including that makes it more harder to cope and respond too.

12. When speaking out of roleplay please try to use "(" or "/" or "<", easier to know when it's not apart of the actual roleplay and makes it easier to understand you when your talking outside.

13. Don't make me play all the characters, it's hard and it's stressful for me to have to keep up with all four plus more and even my own. Just at least play one or two characters as well to make it easier. Those characters being, yours and my characters crush, at least that's the bare minimum as I'll be doing the same and maybe playing an extra if you want.

14. No underage characters, at least 20+, I just don't feel comfortable roleplaying with underage characters. Unless roleplay specifies which will probably be never.

15. If I keep getting short replies or my boundaries continue to get crossed I will ask you to stop a few times but after that I will quit responding and you will most likely get blocked.

16. After you've read the rules and filled out the form you may comment on a prompt you want, just know you will need me to comment on your form "Accepted" if not then I'll kindly ask you to either add or give a bit more information about said character, you may tag me in a book as well and fill in any missing information if it's missing.

17. Have fun!


‼️Rules can be updated or change‼️

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