Landing of the Prince

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"Hmm, I think I got the programing right now I just need a test subject" A young sheikah girl mumbles to herself 'Still this is a dangerous process we don't know if the shrine will even work' She thought grimly. "Still it's best to modify the stasis we don't want to freeze the hero for all time" She took out her slate and started to tap away.

Knock knock

"Come in!" She yells not looking up "Purha how's the project going" an older sheikah girl asks "It's going fine for now just that the stasis function need some adjustments, and we'll need a power source big enough to power the shrine for a century at least" The now named Sheikah replies "But I know that you don't come to the labs unless you need something so spill" She says. The older girl sighs "I have a message from the King he says the we have less than a month to get ride of all of our technology" ... "HUH!?!" Purha shouts "What do you mean less than a month, Impa your joking right?" "No I'm not the King has grown worried that with our technological prowess would make us power hungry and over through him" Impa relies grimly still not understanding why her King would see the Sheikah in such a bad perspective. "But the sole reason of the existence of our people is to serve the Royal family" Purha argued "I know but we must do as he says our we risk our way of life" Impa begins "I overheard the King and he plans to kill any uncooperative Sheikah" Purha was stunned into silence and sighs "Very well I should be able to finish the shrine before we have to hide everything. However I lack a test subject so if the calamity does return and the hero falls we wouldn't be able to guarantee that the hero would rise again" Purha says.


The deafening sound rang out. And something crashed a couple hundred feet away from the sisters "What was that!?" Impa shouts. Puras started to go to the unidentified object but was stopped by her sister "Wait until the dust settles we don't know if whatever crashed here is friendly or not" Purha huffs but stays by her sister's side.  Once the dust settled Purah draged Impa to the crash and sees a pod "Huh?" Purah gets closer and gently takes off the pods door "Impa!" She shouts noticing the severely burned baby "Oh no" Impa picks the baby up "Purha we have to help" "I know but where can we..." Purah stops her panicked rush and thinks "The shrine we can place the baby there" She said "Are you sure it's safe though you haven't even tested it yet" Impa says worried for the baby in her arms "Do you have a better idea cause I don't think any other place can help this baby" Purah huffs. Grudgingly Impa agrees and takes the baby into the shrine and places them into it. "Hope this works" Purha whispers to herself and closes the shrine "The shine has an artificial intelligence that can analyze the baby and find the best way to heal them" Impa nods. "Let's just hope the baby lives through this"

Analyzing Patient.

Name: Unknown
Origin: Unknown
Species: Unknown
Home: Unknown
Aliment:  Sever bruns and too much energy.

Inefficient data about patient analysis required

Mental processes...
Unique evolution...


Starting file on patient.

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