Chapter 6 - I Threaten there is a difference

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It turns out that me and Blake have almost the same classes yay me sarcasm much. The gang called me and said some new gang appeared and wants to fight us so I have to be there. I told Summer and Zac bye and that I would be back before school ends ( Hopefully). This continued for like three weeks then it was finally over I went back to school. It was lunch so Summer and I walked to the cafeteria we spotted Blake and Zac at the our table already. We went and got our lunch

"I can't believe we had a project again urggg "I said while growling Summer giggled

"Well we had to Rose, to get good grades well at least I have to unless my mom would to kill me " Summer said imagining what her mom would do shivering at the thought

"But we had to get one every f***ing month and especially in art?!?"

"True, hey do you think Blake is cute?" Summer asked while looking at Blake. I study her face for a while then I turn to Blake

"Yeah I guess he is," then it clicked "what the hell do you like Blake ?!?!"

"Maybe "

"Don't maybe me Summer you rarely get crush ever though you have guys at your feet" she gasped and slapped my shoulder

"I don't"

"Summer you just told a guy to buy a drink for you" while rising my eyebrows

"And you don't" she ask while rising hers too

"Yeah I do but I threaten there is a difference"I said proving a point

"Whatever" while she rolled eyes. Whenever Summer has a crush I bug the hell out of her but since her crush is Blake I'll try to go easy on her. Note the word try. We approached the table we greeted by the guys, who begins talking bout how creepy Ms. Goods and Veronica are. Blake said the Veronica (the slut she is) flirted with him and he completely shut her down saying something as the lines of 'she does fit my standards' or something which I shocked by, I mean a player and a slut come on perfect match. At the corner of my eyes I see Summer release breathe of relief and just on cur guess who walks in yup Veronica the slut herself. Now if you haven't guess Veronica is the school's slut, she can basically get any guy in bed like bam just like that but she tries to be the innocent one but we all know that she probably has herpes or something . Summer was nervous that Veronica got Blake in bed but luckily Blake is smart (at least I think so). Veronica looked over at our table and smirked and styled herself over.

"Now Blake I know you were blind but not that blind to hang out with these freaks" Veronica said trying to make a joke, all her minions laughed thinking it was funny

"Well sweetie last time I checked you're the freak spreading your legs 24/7 like McDonald's" I responded with a smirk Summer, Zach and Blake starting to bursting out laugh at the comment Veronica trying to play it off replying with

"Whatever you just saying that cause you wish you was me "

" Me!?!? Wish was you!!" I laughed this slut is funny 

"Like I would like to be the school slut no thank you" Veronica face was red and she let out a growl of frustration and she raised her hand. Summer automatically get up and looked her right in her eyes

"What are you going to do huh?"

By this point the whole cafeteria was staring at us. Vericona growl again

"Whatever I don't have time for this I got better things to do" Vericona stomped away with her minions

"Damn Summer that was so hot!! " Blake said causing Summer to blush Zac glance at Blake for a while then continue doing what he was doing

" Ohh that was nothing just that bitch gets on my nerves and that was the limit" The last part Summer said angrily

"Well we know that we would of wipe the floor with her" I said with a smile we all burst into laughter

"True" Zac finish off

Lunch had just ended I had Geography with Blake and Summer and Zac had Physics. I walked in the classroom as usual everybody tensed up but I ignored it and walk to the back of the classroom. Blake sat in the middle row and some guys starting chatting about Summer and football. All the chatter stopped when Mr. Jones walk in the class he shuffle around his papers, scanned the class.

"So is everybody here? "Mr. Jones asked some geek to the front said yes

"Good cause today we are having a project "Mr. Jones announced, the class began to complain and growl in frustration.

"Now now I know you guys don't want one but I gotta give one so that at least some of you guys" while looking at Austin and Austin gives a shy smile "can get a average or good enough grade"

Austin is basically the joker of the class so most of the time he suspended for playing some prank on the teachers. Mr. Jones started announcing the partners and me and Blake was paired up. Wellll technically the person team up with me backed out. Mr. Jones notice that Blake wasn't scared of me or he hated me so he paired us together.

It was after school Blake decided to come over too my house so we could start the project. As we was walking down the hallway I got some deadly glances from some the girls I just ignore but Blake got some fans already and its been how long again? A month? and they already caught in his net like damn. At the end of the hallway I saw Summer waving like an idiot and Zac leaning on some locker.

"She can be such an ass sometimes" I said smiling

"Maybe she got it from somebody she knows" Blake said while smirking

"Well you won't like who I going to sa- " I was rudely interrupted by Summer yelling my name more like screaming. We catch up to them then we approach the parking lot then I started to scan the lot till I realized that I was dropped school by Jake. Jake is a cool, good looking and sweet guy but not my type anyways , and he in the gang. So I turned to Blake

"Hey Blake can I go in your car? "I asked a bit annoyed

"No "

"Why not " I asked in confusion I mean I don't like him doesn't mean he had to reject me

"Cause I don't have one " Blake said bluntly

"So you walk to school!?!?!?!?!?!!" Summer asked in shock Blake chuckles


"Then ho-" Summer was cut off when Blake gesture his motorcycle

"By this Baby" he said with pride Blake hopped on and put on his helmet

"Stop drooling Rose I already know I'm hot "and sending a wink

I growled then hopped on the bike nevertheless and waved bye to Summer and Zac.  The ride to my house was smooth, maybe I should get one of these but nah for Lily sake. Poor thing probably wouldn't be able to get on damn thing. We arrived at my house and Lily run out the house in excitement then her jaw dropped at our arrival.

"Rose you have a boyfriend!?!?!?!?!"

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I hope you like this chapter plz comment and vote and plz forgive my errors

Love Ice owl

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