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As in like her water broke right now?

"Sage we have to leave, the baby is coming now." Detka mumbled.

I'm fucking panicking.

"Shit Detka okay let me help you change into something comfortable and let's get the bag." I said.

I helped Amaya change her clothes. I took the bag that we had prepared that has everything we would need on the day that Amaya would go to labour.

I helped her down the stairs and we caught up with Zen.

"Amaya's water broke we're going to the hospital." I said, trying to soothe Detka who was in a lot of pain right now.

"Shit this is so cool what if me and baby boy are going to share the same birthday!" He yelled happily.

"Sage." Amaya mumbled in pain.

"Zen now is not the time. We have to leave now." I mumbled angrily.

"Wait we're leaving with you guys I want to be there when my nephew is born. Dad Maya's water broke!" Zen yelled running outside the house.

My father and Zen kicked everyone out of the house. Some of the didn't want to leave and Zen pulled out a gun telling them to leave. He was practically chasing them out of the house holding a gun to scare them away.

"Amaya come on let's help you inside the car." My father said helping Amaya to get inside the car.

"I'll drive and you can sit with Amaya in the back." Zen said, taking the keys to my black G-wagon.

My father and Zen got in the front and I sat with Detka in the back. Trying to soothe her in the best way I can.

We drove to the hospital and Zen and My father went to find a parking space whilst we walked inside the hospital.

"Sage." She cried out in pain.

"It's okay baby I'm right here." I said holding her hand.



"You're doing so great Detka." Sage mumbled, with a smile as another contraction hits.

"Why are hospital beds so fucking uncomfortable?"  I groaned.

"I could get you more pillows so you can be comfortable." Zen suggested."No I'll be fine Zen don't worry. I just need to sit properly." Amaya said.

The Doctor steps into the room, examining my chart.

"Mrs. Ivanov you're currently at five centimeters. Your contractions will get worse when you dilate futher. You'll be ready to deliver when you're ten centimeters dilated." The Doctor stated.

"I'll check up on you every hour to see your progress."

"You're going to be fine Maya you got this." Zen said smiling.

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