Day 1- A fresh new day.

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It's a cold autumn morning, frost covered the ground and leaves fell from the trees. Diamond man was walking to school by himself.

D.M's pov:
"God, its fucking cold out.."

I said as I wandered my way to school.

"I sware, if that fat bitch isn't in school today I'm going to kill him-"

eventually I arrived at school, as soon as I got in I went and looked for him.

"Garrett! There you are- thank fuck, I thought I was gonna be alone today-"

He turned to look at me, he was sitting in one of the classrooms by himself.

"Oh- Hey dude! Yeah sorry- I thought you would've come in early-"

He said as he smiled at me

"It's fine."

I replied, I went over and sat next to him

"So, wanna skip class today? Knowing Mr. Dave he's probably gonna teach the same thing he teaches everyday."

"Sure, we could go over to my house or something."

He responded.

His house? I mean, we go there all the time but..why dose it feel weird now? Not a bad weird, a good weird.

"Yea, sure!"

I replied, I smiled at him, but I still couldn't shake this...fuzzy feeling I had..its probably nothing though.

"Wanna go now?"

He asked


I replied, I felt nervous and smiled awkwardly at him as we stood up, I felt him put his arm around me and he gently pat my back before walking infront of me.

Garretts pov:

I had gotten to school about and hour ago. So I was kinda happy Diamond man brought up the idea of skipping today. But he seemed a little...odd? Like, he was fine but seemed a little nervous, ah, but I'm sure he's fine though.

We started to head over to my place soon enough, God, it was freezing out. Hopefully my mam will make us some of her hot coco when she gets home..

"We could go to my room and continue playing Minecraft when we get to my place if you wanna"

I said, I looked at him and he looked back at me, he went a little purple on his cheeks, I'm assuming it's just cuz of the cold..

"Heh, I love the way your room is the first place you thought of us going."

He replied with a small smile on his face.

I couldn't help but smile back. I gently nudged him to the side and he did the same but harder, so I did the same thing to him but twice as hard. We went at that for a few minutes before I accidently pushed him over.

"oh fUcK-"

I quickly caught him by his hoodie and pulled him back up

"Oh god- I'm so sorry- I didn't mean to do that-"

He looked a little shocked, but turned and looked at me

"It's- it's okay, thanks for catching me though."

He said. We continued walking before we finally got to my house. We got inside and went up to my room. Diamond man flopped onto my bed and I sat on the floor to start up my ps4.

"Nice room."

He said. I looked back at him.

"Thanks, I re-did it not too long ago. I got some new posters and such."

I replied, looking back at my PlayStation. I grabbed 2 of the remotes and handed one to him


He said. I sat down next to him

"No problem."

I replied.

"We still need to finish building our house"

He said, as we both played the game.

"Heh, yeah."

I replied with.

A few hours went by, it had gotten late. I hurd the front door open, and a voice shouted up

"Garrett! I'm home!"

It was my mam. Jeez- is it really 7 already? Well, I guess they do say time flys by when you're having fun..

"Hi ma!"

I replied to her, I could hear her start to come up the stairs, she knocked and peeked her head through my bedroom door.

"Oh- hello Diamond man!"

She noticed diamond man and smiled at him

"Oh- hello Garretts mam"

He replied, still looking a little nervous.

Diamond man's pov:

Alright, things look good so far, I still haven't been able to get rid of this fucking feeling though! Ugh! I don't know why I've started feeling this way thought! It just- came out of nowhere! Well, if I can keep it cool, I'm sure things will be fine-

"Hey uhh..wanna watch a movie or something?"

I asked nervously

"Sure! What ya wanna watch?"

He asked, I didn't know what to say, I didn't know alot of movies



"Pfft- sure"

He replied, he looked like he was trying not to laugh. He can be a dick sometimes-

"aHaH- Yeah-"

I replied. God I feel so fucking dumb- but we started watching one of the fucking spongebob movies anyway. We were laying on his bed next to one another, he had a small TV across from his bed, it looked kinda old, but it was okay. A few minutes later his mam came back in the room, hold two mugs.

"I made you boys some hot chocolate just to set the mood, it also might help you two warm up a little bit"

She said with a smile on her face while handing us both the mugs

"Heh, thanks ma."

Garrett said.

"Thank you"

I replied.

"No problem boys"

She left the room and we went back to watching the movie. Awhile later the movie was close to ending. I felt a slight bit of weight on my sholder and looked to my side. Garrett was gently leaning his head on my sholder. My face went a little purple and I didn't know what to do. But it brought a small smile to my face, and eventually I lay my head on his. I felt butterfly's in my stomach, and that fuzzy feeling was back. Just when I thought it'd gone away too- ugh- he pulled a fuzzy blanked ontop of us, I started to feel a little sleepy, and I'm guessing he did too. Eventually we both found ourselves laying next to each other, cuddling a little bit. I looked over at him to see him yawning and rubbing his eyes, and it made me yawn aswell. We said nothing and eventually drifted off to sleep..

End of day 1.

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