Chapter 1

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Walking with one cat in the world all by yourself. How did he get here. It was only a year ago on this day that he ran away from his old life and started a new.

She hurt him. She was an evil mange-pelt who he would never forgive. Besides, she was gone and he'd never see her again. What a world.

But how did he get in this spot? It was quite simple really. One year ago today.....

He was walking around the ThunderClan camp in absolute annoyance. He'd just got done cleaning the dens and his only friend in the camp, Finleap, was out hunting with Twigbranch. Now, his sister was pestering him for NO REASON.

"Why are you so rude?" she teased. "This is why no one likes you, Bumblestripe."

No. It's because I'm accused of things I don't even do, Flea-brain.

"Can you just go away." he barked. "I'm having a bad day."


Bramblestar walked over to him with anger all over his face. What did Bumblestripe do now? What STUPID EXCUSE DID HIS LEADER HAVE NOW!?

"Stop fighting." he growled. "If your going to be so rude, go clean more of the camp."

Bumblestripe heard the nearby cats laughing their heads of. Then, a cat he was glad to see stepped forward.

"I mean no disrespect, Bramblestar, but he didn't do anything." Finleap protested. "His sister started it and deserves to clean the camp instead.

"Oh, ok." Bramblestar yawned. "Then Bumblestripe's let off the hook."

Thank goodness I have Finleap on my side. But, does that really even help?

As the cats dispersed, Bumblestripe pulled Finleap aside. There was something on his mind only Finleap could know about.

"I'm leaving the clan" he meowed. "Can you please not tell anyone."

"Why?!" Finleap exclaimed. "I know not many cats like you, but there's no need to leave."

"I know." Bumblestripe sighed. "But I think I need to find my own journey."

That night, he said good bye to his friend and left the camp. On the way, he met Diamond, a loner who had quite the personality and who joined him on the journey.

So, that's how he and Diamond were walking all alone in the world. That's also how he left the clans and started a never ending journey. Still, sometimes he wondered if leaving was the right idea.

"Will you ever go back one day?" Diamond asked. "Don't you miss your clan?"

"I do sometimes." Bumblestripe admitted. "But I can't go back now. Plus, you just want to meet a nice she-cat there anyway."

"It's worth a shot." Diamond laughed.

"Trust me, normal, she-cats are as good as they seem."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2022 ⏰

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