Part fifteen

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Dan's POV

Two months. Two fucking months. How has Phil not realized Evan was a dick and that I wasn't doing anything to him?

Evan has continued lying to Phil and saying that I had tried punching him which I haven't, and that I've been threatening him! Well, that last one is kind of true but I didn't want him hurting Phil.

Oh, but Phil wasn't having any of "my bullshit". Apparently I was being stupid and Evan was telling the truth.

"You're just upset that I'm happy and you're not." Phil had said.

That wasn't true. I wanted him to be happy but with someone that did care and someone that wasn't Evan!

All this was getting so frustrating and pathetic, I wanted Phil to just realize how stupid he was to believe that Evan was an innocent little bitch.

I was under so much pressure and I haven't even posted a video on my channel in almost a month. People were asking if I was okay and why I wasn't posting. I even saw a rumour saying that I was dead which was obviously a lie.

The internet didn't know about Evan and Phil which confused me a bit. If Phil loved him so much and he was so sure that Evan was the one, why hasn't he said anything about their relationship?

Who knows. Only he does.


"Here's to two months of Evan and Phil being together and three months of Peej and I being together!" Chris cheered and the four of them held up their drinks.

"You two need a ship name!" PJ exclaimed.

I, who was sitting on Chris and now PJ's sofa, snorted. What would their ship name be? Phil and Evan. Evil. Wow, their ship name would describe what Evan was. Or it could be... Phan...

"Phan!" Evan said and I knew he was looking at me. I ignored him.

Their ship name was not Phan. That was only for Phil and I.

"I, er, don't think we should do Phan." I heard Phil say. I felt my heart flutter and I scowled. I needed to forget about my feelings for Phil.

I got up and walked towards the door.

"Where you going, Dan?" Peej called.

"I'm going for a walk."

I left but I didn't make it that far before Evan joined me and ran to catch up to me.

"Leave me alone you imbecile." I snapped, starting to walk faster.

"Aw, poor Dan. I pity you but then again, I'm glad you're feeling this way." Evan laughed.

"Why won't you leave me alone? I'm letting you be happy with Phil and what do you do? You go and rub it I'm my face. You're such a douche bag, go fuck yourself. You are the worst kind of human being ever." I said in the harshest tone I could muster.

It all happened so suddenly and before I knew it, I was lying on the pavement, holding my nose that was full of blood.

Evan had started kicking me in the stomach and I tried to shield myself but it was no use.

"Get up you bitch. Now!" Evan demanded and I got up as fast as I could.

I didn't know what to do or say so I attempted to push him but he punched me again.

I fell to the ground again and tried to not feel the pain that was piercing through me.

"You're so pathetic." Evan said in disgust and kicked me one more time before spitting on my face and walking away.

I lay there for what felt like forever, feeling weak.

I groaned and forced myself up, making sure no bones in my body had been broken by that twat and walked back to Chris and PJ's place.

"Hey Da- Oh my god, what happened?" Peej said.

I just shook my head and sat on the sofa.

"Dan! Someone get me something to clean his face with!" I heard Phil's voice say in a worried tone.

I looked up at Phil who was right in front of me and was grabbing my face in his hands to examine my face.

He was so beautiful, his blue eyes were full of worry and fear, the was he was gently holding my face made me forget what had happened and forget about reality.

I wanted him to be mine, I wanted to be able to hold him the way Evan did, I wanted to be able to kiss Phil whenever I wanted to, I wanted him to love me the way I loved him but no. He had to go with Evan and that idiot was making it harder for me to make Phil see how terrible he really was.

"Dan, how did this happen?" Phil asked me whilst pressing a wet cloth to my nose and cleaning off my blood.

I shrugged. If I told him the truth he'd be mad at me and complain that I was lying. I was close to losing Phil because of Evan, I was going to try my best to not let that happen.

"Dan, tell me. I want to know who did this." Phil knew me too well to know when I was lying and when I wasn't.

"Later." I mouthed and he nodded, continuing to clean my face.

I saw Evan scowling at Phil and I realized he was probably mad that Phil was spaying attention to me and not him.

I made sure I didn't smile but I was suddenly happy. Although I knew this wasn't going to last, I was going to enjoy it for now.


I'm so sorry for not updating yesterday or whatever but a lot has been going on and I feel awful .-.

My best friend died two days ago and I can't stop thinking about it, I had to go to counciling yesterday and then to my friends' place to see his sister and dad and just agh I've been everywhere :/ but here is an update I'm sorry it's short.




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