Forever loved Never forgotten

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Johns POV

I woke up in my husbands arms, Yes me john egbert am married to Dave strider, we got married last May. Anyway, there was some bangs coming from the kitchen, thinking it was our cat I stood up and slowly walked over to the room. I was wrong... oh so wrong. "OH hello MOTHERFUCKER!" I winced as the tall figure moved closer, I saw that he had a knife and let out a blood curdling scream..

Daves POV

I woke up to someone screaming, "JOHN!" I ran to where the noise came from, katana in hand. "JOHN!" I saw my husbands, lifeless body on the floor. "YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH!" I screamed at Gamzee and he flinched slightly, "YOU DID THIS DIDNT YOU! HOW DARE YOU KILL MY JOHN!" I couldn't help it, I started to cry. I ran to Gamzee and before he could react I stabbed his chest, purple blood oozing from his mouth. He fell to the floor, clutching at his chest. I looked back at john.

"JOHN! PLEASE! I LOVE YOU! COME ON! PLEASE GOD DAMNIT JOHN!" I held his hands in mine kissing them. I bursted out in tears, holding john in my arms. Our neighbours must have heard johns scream and called the police as they arrived shortly. "SIR WE HAVE TO TELL YOU TO GET AWAY FROM THE BODIES." I kissed his lifeless lips not more time mumbling "I fucking love you." Before standing up and telling the cops what had happened.

Three weeks later we had the funeral, my love, my husband, my john laid in a coffin wearing a tuxedo. No one could come to the funeral, Karkat offered to pay for mourners but they wasn't needed. I cried for all of our friends and more. Everyone had better things to do. Dirk had invited me to live with him and jake in Texas. I decided it was the best thing to do, after packing all of my stuff I finally got on the plane.

Jake was waiting for me at the airport, dirk was at work. I was almost lifeless. No emotion on my face, well less than usual. I hadn't smiled since the night before john died. All my hope died with him. We shortly arrived at my new home, I walked to the living room and collapsed on one of the many bean bags that they have. "Want to talk about it?" Jake raised an eyebrow, pulling one of the goofy smiles, similar to johns. I felt myself begin to cry and shook my head. "I-I'm fine." I croaked out, trying to blink back the tears. Jake sighed and left but not before muttering "well if you need anything, let me know." I sighed and let myself sink into the beanbag, enjoying the darkness it's shadow created.

I stayed there until dirk got home. "Dave?" He patted on my head, seeing if I was awake. "Yes." I replied blankly, not wanting to talk too much. Dirk sighed slightly and yanked me up by my arm, he looked me dead in the eyes, "you removed your shades?" I asked, a flicker of sadness appeared in his eyes as he took my shades of and gave me a tight hug. "It's ok." I mumbled trying to squirm out of it. "No Dave, it's not, when was the last time you ate?" I shivered at the mention of food, I haven't eaten an actual meal since john.. You know.

I looked at the ground and he sighed, picking me up and holding me close. Rocking me to a deep sleep. He smiled at my sleeping form and laid me on the sofa.

Dirks POV

I smiled at dave's sleeping body. He wasn't even smiling in his sleep, what happened to the little boy I used to know, he's 26, almost taller than me and there he is, laying on my sofa crying in his sleep. "Wow, your a really good brother? Huh?" Jake stood in the hallway, wide eyed, I shrugged "just feel bad for the little man." Jake kissed my on my cheek and walked back to the kitchen, leaving me a blushing mess.

Dave started moving in his sleep, sweating furiously, he awoke with a jolt and started to cry. "Jo-..." He laid back and sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Dave?" I peered around to look at him and almost cried at the sight, but I have to stay strong for the guy, if I cry then well... What would we do then? I walked over to him. "Bro hug?" He looked up at me and nodded slightly. I scooped him up and hugged him, he relaxed and let his head hide in the crook of my neck. Little man got it hard, he watched the love of his life die in front of him, man if I saw jake die I wouldn't be as strong as dave.

"You don't deserve this dave, you're a good guy." He looked up at me and sniffled. "Neither did john." He shoved his head back and eventually stopped crying. I patted his back and moved back. "Icecream?" Dave chuckled and nodded his head, rubbing his eyes and standing up. "JAKE HAVE WE GOT ANY ICECREAM?" Jake walked out of the kitchen laughing. "Only two more tubs! Why did you eat so much when we where watching twil-" I covered his mouth with my hand and gave him a stern look. Dave let out a little giggle.

Daves POV

I giggled, I actually giggled, for the first time in weeks... I smiled. Dirk looked at me in shock and happiness, jake just rolled his eyes at dirk and removed his hand, passing dirk some icecream. "Here you go, ya big dork!" Dirk wiggled his eyebrows and we walked back to the living room. Dirk put in one of the movies that we always used to watch when we where little, the jungle book. I snuggled into a pillow and we watched the movie, singing along to some of the songs. Once it was finished I looked through jake's movies, I spotted it, Con air. I felt myself tear up, I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my shirt. "What's wro-" dirk saw it and hugged me. "Let it all out Dave." And I did just that, I cried until there was no more tears or energy left in me. Jake walked past and gave both of us a look of pity when he noticed con air.

I stood up and walked to my suitcase, looking for the homemade DVD. Our wedding video. "Dave? Are yo-" I cut him of. "Please, I need to hear his voice.." Dirk nodded and I put in the DVD. It showed me getting out of a car and banging my head muttering "fuck." (( a/n that actually happened to my dad at my parents wedding xD )) I chuckled at my stupidity. It then showed john looking In a mirror, kanaya and rose behind him, he smiled one of his goofy smiles and he turned to the camera. "I'm gonna marry Dave today! EEK!" He was jumping up and down but then stopped laughing. "jade! Stop filming your embarrassing me!" Then a giggle from jade as the camera stopped...I felt myself start to cry....It then showed john walking down the aisle with his dad linking his arm. I smiled at the boy and john smiled back. We said our vows. It then went to when we cut the cake, john shoving some on my face. "Good job jane!" I said smiling, john giggled and licked some of my face. I paused the video and bursted into tears, crying myself to sleep as dirk hugs me... I will never get to see the love of my life again.

-- time skip 2 days --

Dirks POV

Dave has been eerily quiet recently, I'm trying to stop him from bottling all of his emotions, it's not good for him. I think he's been cutting, I caught him looking for bandaids. His eyes aren't the same either, it's like something's missing, well obviously something's missing, his husband.

Yesterday.... He walked into the bathroom..... And never came out alive. I still can't believe it.

Daves POV from "yesterday"

I've had enough, I can't live without him. I held our wedding album in my hands as I grabbed the knife... "Fuck it." I mumbled, crying. I ripped some of the empty pages from our album and used one of the pens that jake must use for crosswords or something. I wrote

To dirk,
As you have probably realised, I can't live without john and... I won't... Look after jake tell all the gang that I've gone to a better place... Play our wedding song at my funeral, please... Burry me next to john, I want to be with him forever. Forgive me for what I am about to do. There was nothing that you could've done.... You are the best brother in the world dirk.. Oh and I know about your twilight addiction, I find it funny actually... Goodbye for now,

Your brother

Dave strider

I read over the note about a million times, dreading death but exited about possibly seeing John. I put in my earphones, listening to our wedding song, sad song by we the kings... I grabbed the knife pulling it closer to my throat. "This is for you my love." I slit my throat. My vision going blurry, the music still blurring in my ears. I fall onto the album, placing my hand on it.... I died.


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