chapter 4 <3

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Alec POV:

Slowly waking up to basically silence was something i wasnt ready for in the slightest, did everyone leave? i thought all of the girls was supposed to hang with me today? slowly getting dressed i decided to throw on an MCR tshirt over a black and white striped long sleve shirt, black eans with rips from mid thigh to the knee with a black loose belt, and black converse. a si was doing my eyeliner i turned my led lights off, i was leaving theres no reason for them to stay on all day, i turn the TV off and i slowly made my way down the stiars to see everyone in the process of making breakfast, all quiet and drinking random cups of what i think is coffee and/or tea. sam was the first to speak up, 'morning Alec the girls are in the process of getting ready, which i see youve already done, would you like anything to eat?' i polightly declined, i normally dont eat in the morning. everyone nodded and i waited for the girls to finally finish getting colby made his way down the stairs. he looked alot more... attractive in real life.. i gulped making short eye contact and dashing out of the door almost basically slamming it shut slamming my body against it. quickly peaking through the window seeing colby paused on the stairs looking at the door with a shocked expression before shurgging it off. i quickly text the girls im waiting out at the cars getting back a few ok's before seeing them all walk out and get into my car all of us agreeing on the nail salon, it was a high end place. we all got seated almost immediatly all ofus getting matching base nails, designing them how we choose. the base was a black coffin nail and i was just leaving them plain, im not really a huge fan of designs, just not my thing. i paid and waited around for tara, and kat for almost 20 minutes. we all took pictures and posted then to our snaps laughing about how cliche it was, we all got in the car going into several stores, it was basically the next 3 hours of just randomly shopping. our styles are very different, well mine and tara's look kinda the same but kat was more of a bright color kind of person then either of us. we stopped at Tara's favorite sushi bar each of us getting a small platter knowing there was drinking planned, none of us wanted to throw up sushi. not as good coming up as it is coming down. we messed around for almost an hour before we drove home listening to random songs finally pulling up to the gate which felt like it opened way to fast. it was dark and everyone should probably be either lounging arounf or atleast in there rooms so i shouldnt run into colby yet by the chnace i might still scares me just a bit. weall got out and put our bags in our rooms, i put mine in my closet not planning on putting anything away just yet. i ran downstairs into the kitchen pausing to see the exact dark haired male i was trying to avoid. i gulped and slowly walked to the freezer grabbing the bottles and heard a slight laugh, 'so your the alcoholic huh?' i winced knowing id have to respond, turning around "i mean kinda? me, Kat, and Tara are drinking" he nodded and walked away, i sighed in releif and grabbed the shot glasses runnning up into my rooms seeing the girls standing outside talking to colby. they all looked in my direction as he waved going into his room, "why are you guys just standing out here, you could have went in?" they smiled, 'we didnt wanna just walk in, in case your weird about that kinda stuff.' i smiled and walked in the girls following behind, i put the bottles and glasses on the coffee table and Kat grabbed face masks as we all gothered on the couch putting them on. neither of us have touched the alcohol, basically as silent agreement that we should wait till the face masks are done. peeling them off was fucking painful, i absolutly hated that, but we all quickly moved on to taking a shot together. "guys this is random but what if we made a truth or drink youtube video. we could have colby or sam read the questions off my twitter replies, i could tweet about giving me questions and we could either answer or pass, which would be drinking." they both agreed, i setup the camera and tweeted 'guys reply with some questions! your question might just appear in the new video!' KAt went and asked if colby could ask the questions, which i didnt think through at all but fuck it. colby and Kat walked back in and i finished the last touches of setting up the camera. 'okkk tara kat you two can jump onto the couch when i introduce you guys, colby do you wanna be introduced or just wait till i potentionally have you in a different video?" kat and tara nodded, 'dont introduce me just yet' i nodded sitting on the couch getting ready to start my intro, i put my internet persona on and i see colby put a thumbs up and i nodded seeing him push the record button, waiting a few seconds. "WHATS UP YOU GUYS it is Alec! and welcome back to my channel? its been one hell of a week or two, i havnt posted my bad. HOWEVER i am here with two special guest! Tara and Katrina!! today we have a... mistery person reading off questions you guys have sent in and we all have to answer them, if we dont we take a shot of our beautiful water here. reminder dont drink spicy water if your underage... or even drive if you drink spicy water... anyways, lets get into this yea?" colby started pulling up questions and we all sat ready for these awful or fun things.

C- how old are you?

all three of us took a shot with zero hesitation. colby frowned, i guess he wanted to know the answer to that.

c- body AND kiss count?

we all once again took a shot and colby laughed a bit.

C- how was your day?

we all replied back with a veriation off good/fun

this went on for a while unil i was defintly drunk, most of the questions was about person life, and im unfortunatly a very private person. nothing about me is public and thats on purpose. i dont want any of my fans stalking me or anything. i dont need them knowing my peronal information. i watched as colby turned the camera off and left with a simple goodbye, me kat and tara all eventually passed out on my floor.

A/N- im leaving this chapter here lmao.

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