No. 1 mono

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"whatever you're going to ask, the answer's no."
The boy looked up, a bag covering his head as he crossed his arm.
"Awwwe, mono pleaseee? It would be so much fun!" the shorter child pouted
"Chalk, I said no. I'm not going into some random, crumbling building just because you're bored."
"But it would be so coooool" she whined, then looked up at him with a small smirk, " Y'know... I recall spotting a hat in the-" " I'm in." "what?" "I'm in, I want that hat." the boy repeated, his demeanor swiftly changing as he got up from his seat, the girl quickly following suit.

" we're only going in for that hat, as soon as I have it, we're leaving, got it?" "Yup!" she looked at him with a wide grin, " Last one there's a rotten egg!" chalk yelled before rushing off to the building, " Hey! That's not fair!" mono yelled, and soon enough he too was running to the building, a wide grin hidden by his bag.

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