No. 2 six.

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"There's something I need to get off of my chest.."
Chalk looked over at the girl beside her, "... You're being crushed by a boulder." The girl with the yellow raincoat started dryly. "Well I mean yeah, but I do have something to tell you, six." She looked over at Six. " could you come closer...?" Six sat down, leaning in. " Mhm a little closer?" and she leaned in more, " yeah that good," she said quietly, faking pain, only to blow a raspberry as soon as she was in range. " AH! CHALK." Six quickly jumped up, wiping off her face vigorously, as she faked a gag. " HAHAHA! You should have seen your face!" Chalk wheezed, her one free arm hitting the ground. " Do you know how gross that is? Ugh," She sat back down, poking at her friend's face. " you're so gross." "at least I haven't eaten string cheese from a gutter before." Six's face flushed with embarrassment, "That was a one time thing! Plus it was the only food for miles." "You ate The biggest loaf of bread I've ever seen, like, an hour before you found the cheese!" "That was the smallest loaf of bread to have ever existed!" Six protested.
"Hm, sure, anyways can you help me." chalk propped her head onto her hand, " it's starting to get hard to breath, and I can't feel my legs anymore." "Fine, BUT on one condition." chalk sighed, " Fine, what's your condition then?" Six smiled evilly "You're not allowed to do anything stupid for a week," " yeah suddenly this boulder just got a whole lot more comfie, I-I think im gonna stay here." " no, you agreed to it." Six said, getting a plank and pushing it under the boulder, as she pushed down on the plank, the boulder slowly rolled away from chalk's body.
" ow... I think I'm just gonna lay here for a while..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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